I don't think it will ever manage to be a happy, ever after.

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Emotions and Incidents resurface, and Ash begins to go through some periods of doubt of his and Gohs relationship...

Ash's POV

Me and Dawn go through two more classes, where the conversations are topics that are normal, and day to day interactions. Before we say a goodbye, Dawn turns to me outside of Maths, looking me in the eye. "Remember, Goh loves you more than anything." She reminds me, before patting my shoulder, and heading off to her seperate way for the day. I watch as she goes down the hallway, then snap out of it, looking at my wrist where I have my blue gemstone bracelet on, and my watch. The digital screen reads 13:51.

It seems like it's almost lunch, at least that's a positive. We normally meet up at 2:15, me and Goh, at the cafe, so I should start walking there. My outfit isn't too scruffy, just a Nike hoodie and jeans, and trainers, and I'm happy with that, so I begin to trudge out the building, about to walk off campus, when I get a ping from my phone. I feel it in the back pocket of my jeans, and take it out, staring at the lock screen. The message is from Goh, and I speedtype my password, before pressing the messages app, without any hesitation.

Sorryyyyy, Horace offered to go to the cinema with me, you don't mind, do you?

I bite my lip as I read the message underneath it.

I'm really sorry, I hope it's alright, we can go to the cafe next Thursday tho

I find my hand clutching my phone so tightly in my hand I might as well break it. Who does Horace think he is, butting into every single opportunity I have with Goh? I try to tell myself I shouldnt care, he's just Goh's friend, just like I have Gary, or Iris, or Misty, or Dawn, or Chloe. But no matter what I try and say to myself isn't working, since I don't even bother to reply. I shove my phone back into my pocket, and try distracting myself instead. I am hungry, so maybe I should go eat something, though I'm no that's going to Fleetwood. I'm pretty sceptical of the run down restaurants down the road, so there's not much options other than the university canteen. Where there's lots of people. I begin walking down to it anyway, deciding I don't care.

After opening the double doors, I realise it isn't actually too busy, I suppose people go to other food places to eat, or just have lunch in their room. Walking up to the serving area, I slip into the queue, tucking my hood up to avoid any recognition. People behind me are whispering, and I can feel blood rushing to my ears, I can't escape anyone nowadays. I scan the menu, finding nothing that fits my fancy. I'm just too desperate to get out of the queue, and to somewhere quiet, so I make sure to pick something swiftly. "I'll have the mac and cheese, please." I mumble, trying not to let out my actual voice. I press my thumb onto the machine for paying, and afterwards, I turn towards the seating area, glancing around for a place to sit.

Looking like a loner is one option. Sitting with strangers that could taunt me with homophobic comments is another. I'll stick with the first one. Spying the benches, I find one that's in the corner, and seems relatively private. When I slip into it, I'm not used to having no one opposite me. I feel a buzz come from my pocket, and I reluctantly take it out, staring at the lock screen.

Ash? You're okay with it aren't you?

I don't bother to reply. I can't help thinking I'm being dramatic for no reason, but being hungry is just putting me in a worse mood, so I put my phone away, again. Picking up my pasta with my fork, I half-heartedly put it in my mouth, and it doesn't taste great. Nothing worth spending £1.89 on, in my opinion. What's so good about Horace anyway? I couldn't see what Goh saw in him. It sounds rude, but I'm just saying the truth that's lingering in my head. This is also when I realise how bad I feel being alone.

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