Looking for the mistletoe?

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Goh's best Christmas ever.

Ash's words, not mine.

And he was telling the truth :)


Ash's POV

The outside world is like a constant battle of don't get caught now. I tuck the hood of my puffer jacket up, shivering, despite wearing layers upon layers of clothing. Every breath I take is the feeling of the temperature of icy water, and it travels down my throat, making me splutter. Unfortunately, there's not much snow, breaking the expectations. There's just ice, which is basically just a slip hazard. Goh isn't doing very well either. "I-It's freezing." He mumbles, rubbing his gloved hands together. I nod in agreement, looking down as we walk past people. People either are off for the break, or are staying at uni for Christmas. I decided to stay here, because I want to experience the first proper Christmas here. Last year, it was just wasted. Alcohol. Getting drunk. Hangovers. Last year's was bad, but I'm not gonna tell Goh that.

As we walk towards the car park, I'm so busy thinking to myself, that I almost don't realise Goh takes his guard down, and skids on an icy platform. It's comical for a second watching him shriek in suprise, but I grab him by the arm just before he falls. "Whoopsie." I laugh, and Goh pretends to shrug it off, tucking his hands in his pockets, with a pouting expression on his face. You can see that distinctive red on his cheeks, but neither of us point it out.

Besides, if I do, I'll probably have the nerve to kiss him again. In public.

When we get into the car, I only just realise Goh is clutching two festive gift bags in his hand. He sees me watching, and grins. "They aren't for you." He smiles, plopping them in the back. I roll my eyes, and take a peek inside, seeing some sort of fluffy material in one, and something gardeny looking in the other. I can hear him waffling about how late we are, so I slam the door quickly, shuffling over to the driver seat door, and opening it.

"Okay okay. Who are they for?" I ask, even though it's obvious. Beginning to click on my seatbelt, and start the car I look behind again, to admire his neat wrapping.

"Oh, for my family and the other is for your mum. Does she like gardening stuff?" He asks, scratching his cheek. "I wasn't really sure, but in pallet she seems to grow a lot so-"

I laugh at him sounding unsure. "You've done a better job than I could ever do. I think she does." I shrug, starting the car, and unloading it. Goh reaches out for earphones, but then suddenly puts them away again, pressing the radio himself. I don't really mind him doing it. It's weird, but it sort of makes me think into the future, like we're just used to this stuff by that time. I mean, who can tell what the future holds. I sometimes even question if I'll still be with him by then.

Oh fuck. Save those terrifying thoughts for later.

It's Christmas. Yeah. Christmas.

While we're stuck in traffic, we stay moderately quiet, but it's not really awkward anymore, it's just comfortable. I drum my fingers against the steering wheel in habit, tapping away to the tune of Underneath the tree. I'm wondering to myself if Goh will like my present. We finished about a week ago, of course, because it's the holidays. So when Goh went out to the library, I took the chance to go shopping. We've never really bought each other anything except food, and strangely enough, I'm not sure if I know his tastes in artificial type stuff. Goh taps my hand, making me jump. "Ash." He points in the direction in front of me, where the traffic is beginning to move.

"Oh. Sorry." I mutter, snapping back into action. I can feel Goh's gaze on me, and it's making my ears go red, I can already feel the heat rising up to them. I can also see his adorable little smile in the corner of my eye, and his fingers reach up to waggle my ear, and they're cold to the touch, giving me a bit of a shock. "Oh stop. I hate it when my ears go red." I groan, and he laughs freely now.

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