I thought you and I were already friends!

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When Goh is getting his lunch, he decides to get a little for Ash as well. And a slightly scary incident for Goh, causes the two to create a spark, of a new friendship.

There is a tinyyyy bit of violence, but I don't think it's too bad. ❤️

Last year, I always went to the same restaurant for lunchtime, when I did eat from outside. The timetables are different, so Chloe has a lesson now whereas I don't. Neither does Dawn, as it's 12 now, and she would be in her room. The shop is called fleetwood cafe, and I'd always gone whenever I had lunch, it had probably become my favourite shop nearby hidecliffe.

I leave the university grounds, to go down the road, and turn the corner, and I can't tell you how comforting it is to feel that nice atmosphere, after a bad day. I open the door to the shop, remembering to mind the brown step, making the little gold bell ring, and sitting on one of the stools tucked up at the side. I sometimes even read here, taking a book or two. Those soft lights giving me a nice lighting, with the ivory hung from the walls, probably made this one of my favourite places to go to, where I know I'd always be welcome.

The cafe owner gives me a nod, with a smile. I can't say he was my friend friend, as he's considerably older than me, but we get along very well and always knew what I liked as the usual. "Ah, my favourite customer!" (Although I know full well he says this to others, I obviously dismiss this) He claps his hands in delight, as he comes up to me, giving me my favourite latte, with exactly 3 sugars, which I take, gratefully.

"Hello! I think I'm getting something for someone else as well, today... " I say, pondering on the menu, while sipping at my latte.

"Ah, what would my good sir like today, then?" He questions, in his french accent. I want to get something for Ash too, I was sorta hoping we could eat together back in our room, even though he'd been rude this morning. After listening to Dawn, I feel as if I should try again.


"Could I have two packs of buttered scones, and chocolate crepes, please?" I ask, which I didn't even need to.

"Ah, the same as usual, I see! Okay, coming right up." He says, putting a few napkins at my table area. I take a deep breath, and take one of my books out of my bag, taking a moment to relax. In a few minutes, he brings me them, and I sit back, munching on a scone. I'm about to start reading, and I slip my bookmark out of the page about to put it to the side, when I suddenly see-

No way.

Is it?

I clutch at my bookmark so fiercely, the edges of it curl up at the sides.

Oh God, it's Ash, and he just walked past the window I was sitting in front of. I'm praying he won't come into the shop.

But of course, the opposite of that happens. I hear the bell ring, and I can't help but crane my neck to look behind me, just a tiny bit. He looks incredible, when he walks in, his leather jacket on, beanie covering some of his black hair, and some causal joggers on. I whip my head around though, my heart practically thrusting out of my chest, praying he doesn't see me. There's no point trying to hide, I have nowhere to hide. I had no idea he came here as well! I try to read the words of my book, , but I have to keep re-reading them as I can't even focus on the text. There's an empty space next to me as well. At this point I don't even care who sat next to me, as long as it wasn't Ash. Please don't be Ash, please, please. I say it in my head, over and over, and pull the hood of my jacket up, so he wouldn't see the back of my head. It's a shame I had tried to make a "good impression". With my bright red, colourful jacket, in the midst of the natural colours of brown surrounding me, it didn't seem like the best choice. I heard the cafe owner exclaim, "Ah, my favourite customer!" I knew he didn't say that to just me.

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