Like the rainfall.

116 5 4

The gang of 4 go on a little day out-
...and ofc, it turns out longer than expected. So it's probably longer than a chapter TwT

Goh's POV

I hear a knock on the dorm door.

I yawn, ignoring it, snuffling further into the covers, being a bit foolish, as I decide I would rely on Ash to open it.

Theres a pause, when neither one of us does so.

The door knock gets louder.

"Ash? Would you? Please?" I plead, stretching my arms, and touching the wood of his top bunk, as if my hand could go right through it.

"Mmmm. Goh? Please would you?' Ash mumbled, hesitantly.

I laugh at his (cute) tired voice. "You're the one who wanted to be the better friend." I tease, just to make him get up. Which doesn't work. I don't think anything can make Ash get out of bed without 18 persistent rings of his alarm clock.

He pauses, acknowledging it. "Yeah well, getting out of bed to answer a door doesn't mean I'm a better friend!" He complains, but I hear the bed creak, and a very loud groan making me regret it, and jump towards the door, padding swiftly along the cold floor.

"Hey! I was just about to-" Ash huffs, but a loud shout from the other side makes us both freeze.

"WILL ONE OF YOU IDIOTS JUST OPEN THE DOOR ALREADY?!" Chloe yells, and I scramble at the door lock, letting her push it open, right into my face.

"Finally! We've been knocking and knocking for one of you stupid boys just to open the door!" She grumbles, and Dawn laughs behind her, tactlessly. I put a hand on my hip, looking up at the clock, while rubbing my eyes. Ash has also finally sat up in bed, looking down at the commotion.

"It's 9:27.." I mumble. "What do you want at this time of day?" I sigh, while Ash rubs at eye-dust, agreeingly.

"Excuse me! I sent you like, 300 messages?" Chloe says, folding her arms, and then I realise they're both dressed up. Dawn in baby blue, Chloe also in baby blue. "Hurry up and get changed!" She says, staring disapprovingly at Ash's messy hair in the top bunk. I grab my from the dressing table phone, scrolling through the flurry of messages from Chloe saying stuff along the lines of,


Are you still sleeping Goh???

Hey have you confessed to Ash yet?

Cheetos? Or doritos for the trip?

I blink at her, still confused. "A trip?" I question, wearily, ignoring the texts about Ash.

"A trip!" Ash repeats it, with a lot more enthusiasm, punching a fist in the air, in celebration.

Dawn nods, excitedly. "Yeah! Chloe wants to see her favourite pop artist! Layla Mules, remember?" She says, tapping her head. I stare into space, taking this all in.

" want to go to the concert? Today?" I say, uncertainly. We had just been to the theme park, I was hoping we would have a nice relaxing day, to be honest. Ash seemed excited, on the other hand.

"Basically. You were meant to get up, like, half an hour ago." Chloe interrupts. I sigh, hastily pulling on my socks, while Ash jumps off his top bunk, strolling to the wardrobe. "It starts at 5:00pm." She adds, and me and Ash both stop.

"We have to drive then, won't we?" Ash asks, tilting his head to the side a little. "I'm assuming it will take a while to get there then...if you're in a hurry now." He adds, a little unenthusiastically.

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