Don't rely on me to come after you.

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Even after the last party, Ash is dying to go another time, just for fun. But he also wants Goh to. After her refuses, an incident starts to unfold, which Goh is sure to regret his refusal afterward..

Ash's POV


The night isn't going how I've expected it to. The first few minutes seem to light me up, set me free. But now I'm sitting here with Serena, who's being irritating, and laughing at all the simple things I say in response to her. The way she clings onto me is so unbelievably annoying- I wish someone else was here with us. I meant to have spent the day with my friends and have fun, but instead, it's just making me looking down at my wrist watch and stare accusingly at the minute hand ticking away in slow motion. I've been sitting at the bar table for ages, my head already starting to feel drowsy. I want Goh to be here to tell me to slow down, but my brain urges me on.

Serena is getting a little drunk herself, starting to sing along with the song loudly, and her false nails keep trying to grab at my hand, and hold it without hers. It's quite frankly embarrassing. I wish people would stop staring at us, because we're not dating. It's simply because Serena had to make a big deal about our relationship before- now everyone knows we broke up. I don't know what the hell she's doing now. Her eyes seem to sometimes be flicking over to Gary every so often as well. A few seconds later, Gary walks up to us. He grins at me, then smiles warmly at Serena. I'm confused at the change of emotion towards her, because I'm pretty sure he doesn't like her that much either.

"Hey Serena." He sticks his hands into his jeans pocket, and grins at her, being too obvious.

"Oh, hi Gary." She smiles back, turning away from me. I don't know what's going on between them, and wonder if Gary is almost doing this on purpose, knowing my upmost dislike for her. Maybe he's just desperate to get a girlfriend by now. I decide I'm not really bothered, I just need to get out of talking with Serena again. She winds one of her golden curls round her finger, showing off a diamond earring hidden behind it. Gary looks oddly transfixed at her, and I just roll my eyes, wondering how someone could possibly like her. Well yeah, she's pretty and all, but how about the actual person? I've been saying so much inspiring and deep stuff lately it's making me laugh. But truly, I don't see it in her. They continue their talk, Serena hardly noticing I'm leaving, thankfully, and look around.

Where's Goh?

My eyes scan the room, but I see Dawn standing in the corner, talking to Chloe. When she sees me, she starts to approach me, smiling sheepishly. "Hi, Ash." She smiles, a little uneasily. Chloe follows from behind.

"Uh, hey." I smile, watching their expressions. "What's up? Do you know where Goh is, by the way?" I ask, and she pauses.

"Well, I can answer both those in one answer. Goh..well, he left."

I stare at her. "What? When?" I ask, my mind buzzing with questions and regret.

She doesn't quite meet my eyes. "Like half an hour ago?" She says, quietly. I pause, feeling terrible. I don't know how I didn't notice all this time, and feel terrible for it. "He didn't want to be here anymore."

"Why didn't you tell me?' I splutter, and Chloe answers for me.

"Well, you were with Serena so.." She glances at Serena, eyes wide at Gary talking to her. Their heads are close together, and Gary is stirring his drink, never leaving her eyes, even while he drinks. He's sat in my bar stool seat, and Serena hasn't even noticed I've left. I scoff. Moves from one, to the next. I'm secretly relieved though, but unfortunately for Gary he's going to recieve some heartbreak from her soon. "Gary and Serena is now a thing? Wow." She almost laughs. I would be laughing too, but right now I've gone back to Goh.

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