The moon looks...beautiful, doesn't it?

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The challenge has begun!

Goh's POV


So, the challenge has begun. I'm gonna be honest, I almost forgot about it until Chloe sent me a message saying, you have until Sunday 😉 (6pm) which was helpful, I suppose. I'm wondering how to tell him. I guess I should just take things as they come instead of trying to fix something up to build up to me saying it to him. It's like a confession all over again. I existed Chloe's message, and start scrolling on my list of due-assignments instead, when Ash suddenly comes into the room from the kitchen. He's in his football kit, and looks a little sheepish.

I blink away from my phone, looking up at him and smiling. "Hey Ash." I notice he's searching through drawers, holding his arm slightly in the air. He just sends me a bit of a quick, unconvincing smile. I frown. "What's wrong?

"Oh, nothing." He continues searching through the cupboards, and looks like he's in a bit of pain. I stand up, walking over to him, and he slightly flinches. I'm about to ask something, but he interrupts quickly. "Goh! Erm, where's the plasters at?" He asks, and I squint a little.

"What do you need plasters for?" Nonetheless, I look through the bottom drawers and hand it to him. When he reaches out for it, I notice the cut on his arm. "Ash!" I shout, and he jumps back in suprise. "You poor thing, how did you do that?" I grab back his arm before I can stop him, and see how small but deep it is.

"Kitchen." He mumbles, and I'm still confused so I run over, stopping myself abruptly, when I see a dropped glass on the floor.

"Oh, Ash!" I go back to him, where he's wincing a little, and shake my head. "We can't just throw an old plaster on there, you idiot." I haul him over to the sink, dodging the shards of broken glass, and open the cold water tap. "This might hurt a little." I warn, before adding a little bit of soap. He hisses, but I give him a little side hug with my free arm. We wait for a few minutes while he holds it under. "Why didn't you say?" I ask, softly.

"I thought you would be annoyed at me for breaking it." He mumbles, starting to get a bit more relaxed.

"I don't care a shit about that, I just don't want you to get hurt." I get the first aid kit that hangs on the wall, dressing the part of his arm in a bandage. "There." I give him a quick kiss on the cheek, and he smiles a little more. "Do you have a match today?" I ask, while getting a dustpan and scooping away the shards of glass. He helps himself to some water, in the process.

"Yeah, I'll be fine though, don't worry bunny." He gulps it down, throwing down the cup in satisfaction. "I'll be off then." He stretches up, pulling on his trainers. I feel like this could be a wasted opportunity, so I look around, grabbing my red felt tip, and stop him.

He looks a little suprised, but smiles in curiousity. "Hold on! One more thing!.." I open the cap, and colour in a little heart onto his bandage. "There. For good luck." I whisper, and he grins, pulling at one of my ahoges.

"You funny little thing. See you sunshine." He ruffles my hair, giving me one last smile before closing the door behind him. I sigh a little. This is turning out to be little bit harder than I thought it would be.



We're eating dinner at the kitchen table. I couldn't really be bothered doing anything fancy, but Ash pleaded me to put my 'fanciful kitchen skills to the test' or whatever that stupid adorable boy said. I'm hoping I can speak up today, which is highly unlikely, and I have until Sunday anyway so I tell myself I don't really need to. Ash rips at his chicken irrataedly, practically throwing his head back at the effort and I grab my napkin, wiping at my lips, and sigh. "You could break it off into smaller pieces while eating it." I say, before putting my piece in my mouth.

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