If only love for me wasn't so hard.

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It may haven't gone well for Ash at the start, but the boys are just glad things turn out better in the end-

And Goh is finally with the person he wants to be with, at the end of the day 🌙 🌃❤️

Goh's POV


I wasn't expecting that.

I suppose I should say. That...I'm happy they're back together? I don't know. I didn't mean to come late- I was going to tell Ash, but..the truth was, I was trying to avoid him. I was in the library, to find myself some time to read, to relax myself a bit. Which didn't help as I did a lot more thinking than reading. I did only realise we were meeting up at 6 later, but I was assuming that he would be keeping someone else company, and of course be with his friends but...

Oh come on. He said he doesn't like her. And it shouldn't matter anyway. I don't deserve him...and some part says he doesn't deserve me. My heart quickens, madly. It feel so bad saying it, but he was better off without me being with him like that. I don't want to sound like I'm too much for him, it's just that...I don't want to know this is true. That I like him. I've got a crush on him.

I still can't take it in. It's such a scary prospect. Chloe said being in love was exciting- it's not exciting at all. It's terrifying. Whenever we did have good times, it would always get spoiled by the fact I have to hide a secret from him, and stuff will never be the same between us now. So that's why, I've decided I should get rid of these feelings.

It's better for both of us.

I repeat it over and over, as I'm walking away from them. I hear Ash calling my name, but I ignore it, squeezing my eyes tightly, clenching my fists. My mind is telling me to turn back and run- I desperately want to. If Serena wasn't there, I probably would have. I take a few deep breaths, staring ahead.


I should maybe...try to find someone else from the group. I wonder where Chloe and Dawn are. I resist looking back, as if I could see Ash and Serena behind me, but I distract myself. I look at my phone, ignoring some of the messages Ash had sent before. I start checking Chloe's location from one of her socials. She's near me, but I couldn't tell exactly where. I zoomed in, and squinted at the image, starting to turn left, right, left. This wasn't getting me anywhere. I blinked, looking at my completely different surroundings. The fairground was so big, you could get lost easily here. I start to panic slightly, as there was no one else with me, I might get stuck here for the rest of the night.

Worse, I might be wandering round on my own looking like a loner.

But Ash could find me and then...and then..

Or maybe he'd walk away in disgust. I walked away from him and Serena...maybe he would be mad. I couldn't seem to accept the fact that we could only be friends-

Someone bumped into me, making my stress level suddenly translate to shock.

"Ow! What are you doing, you look gormless!"

I recognise that voice anyday, sighing with relief. "Chloe!" I throw my hands around her neck, instantly flooded with some comfort. She staggers a little, and Dawn looks equally as surprised.

"Goh? What's the matter with you?" She asks, looking incredulous, but smiles a little.

I realise my grasp around her neck, and remove it, awkwardly. "I thought I got lost!" I huff, fanning myself, hurriedly. I don't know how stressed I'd been to feel so warm.

"Oh yeah, you took a while to get here." Dawn comments, looking at me, sympathetically.

I nod, just happy I found someone. Chloe and Dawn exchange a glance, and look back at me.

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