Chapter 3 A Plot Of Ice

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Snowfox was always annoyed and most of the time it was with her mother Queen Diamond who never put her sites on something worth while like conquaring the NightWings and enslaveing the whole of the SandWings but all she ever cared about was getting Her son Prince Arctic back since she fell in love with a NightWing named foeslayer she hadent given her a break si when she disapered and then found out to have been shutted up for good, when hearing the news she had organized a huge feast with the idea  of using her mothers death as a excuse to conquer the NightWings. Meanwhile Near The Sea Kingdom.... Whiteout was tired of flying becasue her spell had taken her to a secret cave in the sky kingdom with a strange hole that reveled the sky above her but after starting a fire SkyWings had noticed and barged in to see who was hiding in there mountains so whiteout had had to shrink herself to fly throw the tiny sky hole and had been flying away ever since in hopes to find somewhere to rest safely.  In the sea kingdom on a isolated island... Fathom was sitting on the edge of the sea wondering were it had all gone wrong,  Maybe it had been having Dragonets because screams of joy will attract some attention but then again maybe he should'ent have run away with Indigo at all because in the end she and his amazing five dragonets had been slaughtered by his sisters elite squad because he broke his oath to her and fell in love which would transmit the animus blood he had to more dragons. As she was crownded queen of the Icewings a thought came to her and she reilized that animus blood might be coursing through her veins she thought to test herself by enchanting one of her shoulders to turn into a bowl of water and as her soilder came to her she told him to turn into it and he slowly whirrled like a puzzel and then after a little screaming turned into a bowl of water and as Snowfox toke the bowl she began drinking from it reilizing her power.

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