Chapter 17 Make them Hurt...

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Darkstalker screamed with rage at the sight of his son's corpse and wanted nothing more then to make his sister scream with pain just as Abyess had. Clearsight raced up the pavion just and just as she did she saw Whiteout rip her son's head off and begin eating it as she teleported away which filled Clearsight with a sense of disgust and terror. She saw her beloved Darkstalker laying on the ground motionless but just as she stepped forward his obsidion warriors grabbed her and tugged her back while Darkstalker whispered " Take her away and tell her what Im going to do once your far enough away" and with that he stoud up and kissed her saying "Goodbye my love and then he was gone dissapering into dust with tears in his eye's but before he left he mouthed "Tell the fam I love them" and then he was gone. Frostwalker saw the a flash of Blue scales before him sliting the queen's neck causing him and Anaconda to swerve around looking for the assasion but right in front of them was him..... Fathom of the Bloodwings with blood staining his claws and a murderious inteent in his eyes and before they could think he flew himself at anaconda and ripped of her claws with incredible strengh causing blood to gush out of her claws and he toke this oppurtonity to twist her neck and yank it off completly.

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