Chapter 18 A Deal is sown

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Whiteout paced the Ice kingdom's courtyard waiting for her brother to appear in his rage and attack her and she could of only been a magician because she felt her brother behind her and she spun around to see him staring him down with a hateful look. "Whiteout" Darkstalker spat "You have lived long enough" "But I am only beginning my conquest to conquer Stalker" Whiteout said but as soon as she finished her sentence  Darkstalker lunched himself at her slashing and stabbing and she got into the fight too trying to forcefully remove his eyes but Darkstalker pinned her down by the wings so hard making her scream as she saw drips of blood slowly fall from her wings. Whiteout threw Darkstalker across the courtyard Screaming "Heal" at her wings as they slowly began repairing themselves. Darkstalker knew he couldn't kill his sister no matter what he did as she yelled make me unstoppable to her selve but Darkstalker knew one thing that could stop her so he raced onto her and looked her dead in the eyes and said " Take us both to hell, let us feel pain higher than any other, then he thrust his fist up and screamed sign the DEAL Lightwing!

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