Chapter 4 A Fate Entwined With Chaos

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As Whiteout approched a island just off the cost of the Mud kingdom that she hopeed would finnaly be a safe place for her to rest but as she neared it she saw a dragon sitting on a rock facing the quiet sea and he seemed to be mourning. As she got closer she reilized he was a Seawing animus thanks to her spell that gave her little twingles when a new animus apeared and as she flew closer she read his mind and found out that his whole family had been murderd by his own sister and when she found out this she softly landed behind him as quitly as she could. Fathom tensed and felt around him for on of his animus touched objects, the one that put up a unbreakable sheild and he knew that with one word he could be unstoppable but as he turned around he saw a tired Nightwing with a desperate look in her eyes and she spoke to him "So there are other animi like me in other tribes" and in that moment he reilized what she meant and said to her "You look pretty badly hurt how about you go get some rest my house is just up the cliff.

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