Chapter 11 Winning Blood.....

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Frostwalker countinud to flee the Ice kingdom as chaos erupted behind him, he heard screams of terrror as the battle raged on behind him which he thought were screams of death. Whiteout had been losing the battle horribly and had finaly decided to teleport her remaining dragon solders back to the palace leaving her,Fathom and the shadow warriors to defend against the Ice Army but Whiteout had a plan and she used her magic for one last spell, to take over the whole ocean and use its stengh and the water exploded out of the ocean and impaled all three of the ice beasts as if on a scwer as well as it swept any of the solders away to be drowned. When snowfox saw the ocean coming down on them she reachted with pure terror because she had never thought of a force so terrifing that she let her guard down which was all whitout needed to swiftly turn the tides of the battle and snowfox was lifted of her beutiful Ice beasts as they were brutally killed and brought to face the bloodshot death queen. "In the Night kingdom..." Darkstalker and Clearsight were in full battle armor ready for war because a young dragonet no older then there dragonets had come from the enemy lines with starteling news, the Ice kingdom had fallen prey to Darkstalkers blood thirsty sister whiteout and were conquered and word had spread that whiteout had used the whole ocean to destroy the Ice army and then had taken the queen. As the nightwing army flew across the sands of the sand kingdom they were joined in there assult by the whole sand army lead by there queen personnaly as well as the mud and rainforest kingdoms meanwhile the sky kingdom had alied with whiteout because they feared her power which Darkstalker also had. Abyess and his siblings quitly flew behind there parents's army with the intent to help there mother and father with the unique skills they had been given and Abyess was the strongest of them all because like his father he was an animus as well had Mind reading but was not gifted with forsight even though all of his other siblings had on the night of two moons which he had no idea why the moons didn't give him foresight.

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