Chapter 14 Anger Is Blood

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Darkstalker toke off across the tree's in a blide rage thinking only of killing the Skywing queen and taking back his dragonet! Suddenly two Skywing soldiers armed to the teeth burst out of the tree's and began trying to slit Darkstalker's thought and in rage Darkstalker enchanted himself with highly advanced fighting skills and began flinging them from the ground to tree's along his way until they were soaked in blood and scar's. Whiteout watched her nephew slowly fly into the sky palace with his eyes full of anger and fear and as he neared Whiteout ordered that everyone leave them alone other than the sky queen and as he dropped down Whiteout reilized something was wrong because the Nightwing in front because he did'nt even look any part fear but more glee. Clearsight's formed a battle plan with the pther queen's as they neared the sky palace that they would camp in a cave system that had a skyhole so they knew what time of day it was while all the sandwings would camp deep in the undergrowth on the opisit side of the sky palace to box them in and the rainwings were ordered to make a fake village in the open and then the sandwings would rig it to blow with some dragonflame cactus they had found high in the mountains. As Darkstalker neared the sky palace he saw his evil sister talking to his son and when he saw this he flew with furry and enchanted obsidieon from the dephs of the earth to come up and serve him as loyal dragons that could not kill but could hurt.

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