Chapter 8 Dragons of blood

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""Three years after the queen of the seawing's Death"" The long awaited anouncment came as a shock to the night kingdom hearing both that the Icewings had declared war on the Nightwings as well as the  that whiteout had been crowned queen of the seawings after showing the whole contunit how mercialis she can be by not only killing any who defied her but also slowly taking the Skywings territory to build other palaces of the Seawings which were named the blood wings after whiteout came. Darkstalker fearfully paced the throne room were his wife Clearsight was sitting on her throne running senarios through her complex mind as  little eclipse barged into the room with a goofy grin taking the worry of the king and queens heads because she reminded them of the four dragonets they had Eclipse, Feirceclaws, Mindsniffer(Darkstalker had thought of this when he had became a powerfull mindreader at birth although almost no dragons knew where the sniffing part came into play) and finnaly Abyess. As they went to the dining room with their children they saw all of the rest setting the table with the staff at the palace looking like miniture buttlers as they threw down spoons and forks with glee reminding the couple about how lucky they were. "In the Ice kingdom"... Snowfox was dancing along the palace with joy after finaly declaring war on her most hatted tribe ad was now prancing toward her massive room where her slaves would bring her the best Icewing cuisene that was in existince and if it was not good enough the Icewing server would be slowly droped into a bowl of magic lava that she had made to painfully punish anyone who dared disobay her. In the Sea Kingdom... Whiteout gleefully looked down onto her pleing subject as she loved the fear of them and the taste as she had tried eating dragon by accident and became adected to it and anyone who made a mistake would be turned into a meal.

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