Chapter 13 Ambush

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As Darkstalker and the other tribes armys reached the border of the Sky kingdom they heard a earsplitting screach pass through the air , Suddenly five skywings Flew from the forest that they were crossing and withdrown spears from there backs and speared through three sandwing warriors. "WERE UNDER ATTACK" shouted some random dragon ahead of Abyess and his siblings trailed behind but before they could hide in the army of dragons a massive skywing came out of nowhere and stole Abyess everything he knew and brought him to... his....... Aunt. Abyess kept on kicking as hard as he could against the Skywing but to no avail did he succed in getting away and as they neared the sky palace he saw something that made his heart stop..... His aunt Whiteout, the one father had loved so dearly and then she had turned evil, the one that had become a souless murderer and right beside whiteout was Fathom, the notorious killer Bloodwing and queen Carmine of the skywings. Darkstalker roared so loadly that it shock the earth when he saw his children and he demanded " What ARE YOU doing here " and they simply responded with "......Abyess.... Th... The... They TOKE ABYESS"

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