Chapter 7 Queens are made of Blood

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As she swam through the palace she kept having elt something familier almost like a old friend turned enemy and that tought brought her to her brother Fathom, "Oh had she loved him" and then he went and screwed it up by having dragonets and falling in love with her best soilder indigo who she had brought back to her palace saying that Fathom had used his magic to much and became heartless and evil so she had banished him from her magnificent Palace. As tey crept closer Whiteout told Fathom to give her a spell so she could breth underwater like fathom could and at this he hesitated but then subcomed to his anger at his sister and gave her the enchantment whiteout thinking twice. As they crept closer they could see guards but fathom in his rage killed them both brutally with a spell that made there gills dissaper and made there wings heavy as boulders and as they collapsed onto the ground they slowly walked on into the palace. Whiteout became more and more facinated with fathom the more and more death he caused and thought that her spell to turn him into a maniac had worked well but she should proberly make him obay her every command so he did'nt kill everyone leaving no kingdom for her to conquer. They hit the throne room after about ten minites and stared up at the queen while she gaped in suprise thinking that her brother was dead and wondering who the other dragon was and how she could breth underwater. She flashed at full brightness to her guards "Get every soilder we have, every killer or assian in the kingdom of the sea to kill these two and with that she ran off with her personnal guard. Fathom quickly picked up the chase after his sister while whiteout began exploring her new kingdom. Soon after the chase began Fthom lifted rock form the ground and created a wall in front of his sister and her personnal guard screamed at fathom and then began the procese of trying to kill him but with no success they all were brutally killed and the water became dark red as a result of all the blood in the water. Severed limbs floated through the water as the queen panicked and looked around for her brother but could not see him any where but then she felt something on her foot and looked there to see that both of her feat were cut of and she screamed with pain as fathom ripped of her arms displaying all the blood she was made of.

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