Chapter 5 A Deal of Murder...

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Fathom was preparing to go on a fishing trip for his guest and as he was just leaving she came up to him and said "I know who you are and what you have done Fathom" and in that moment he saw something else in her eyes other that desperatness and thankfullness he saw understanding and he reilized that she to had lost something dear to her heart and the anger filled her up to the brim and she asked him if she could help him take revenge and the only price was helping her do the same. They started with fathoms problem which he told her the painful story and she said to him that all they had to do was cast a spell to kill his sister but he told her it was not that simple because before he left she had given her a earing that sheiled her from being killed in any way possible and the only way was to remove the earing from her body. At this remark Whiteout scowled and asked why he would do such a thing for his families murderer and he said that it was before she did it. Meanwhile in the ice kingdom....  Snowfox had done so much with her power and some of it included making ice warriors that would never crack or melt and they replaced her personal guard after winning and killing half of the guard and right after this she learned that almost all of the Icewings feared her and saw her as all powerful and she liked it. She kept sending warning messeges to the Nightwings but they kept sending that they don't want another war and that if they were engaded that they did have two animus dragons and Snowfox decided to wait a few months before declaring actual war so she had given herself plenty of time to prep her army and cast more spells. In the Night kingdom... The news came as suprise to Darkstalker when he heard that clearsight was with eggs and he was immedently filled with joy, and as he came to there home he indeed saw a nest and his mother waching intently as the eggs glowed warmly in the moonlight and all of them were already silver. As he burst in to the place he not only saw his mother Foeslayer but the newly appointed Queen of the Nightwings....Clearsight.

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