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Jk pov
Today i came to my dream college to take admission here and i am so nervous right now , i am all alone standing outside of the building and i saw many kids coming to the college with their parents perhaps to take admission here but i am all alone

i think i should go inside maybe i can get admission here , i have to take admission here because i spent my all salary for the books and stationary

then he went inside the college and looked here and there many people in the college looked at me

i just looked down at my clothes that were dirty and a little torn from the side i started looking down at the ground being uncomfortable not being able to handle their stares

then i heard a voice

??:hey are you new here

I just looked at him he was of my age and was wearing nice clothes

then he again asked

??: what happened why are you not speaking anything

i just looked down

??: dont you like me , i thought perhaps we can be friends

he said forwarding his hand for a handshake

i just shake my hand with him and nooded my head

??: whats your name

Jk: my name is jungkook

he write it on a notepad which he always brought with him to everywhere

??: are you perhaps........mute

jk nooded his head while looking down

??: its ok , myself eunwoo you can call me eun or euno

Eunwoo said making cute faces on which jungkook just smiled a little

eunwoo: i will call you kook or kookie because jungkook is too big for me

jk nooded his head

Eunwoo: do you came to take admission here

Jk nooded his head

eunwoo: come let me show you admission office

Eunwoo grabbed jungkook hand and take him inside the campus towards the admission office

on reaching there he knock on the door and signal jungkook to enter inside as they hear a come in

jungkook looked towards eunwoo with nervous gaze and enter inside while hoping for the best

Eunwoo just stand outside of the office

kook went inside and saw a mid aged man in his 50s sitting on the chair

he sat on the opposite side of the chair when he got the permission to sit


p: do you came here to take admission

kook nooded

P: show me your result card and  character certificate

jungkook showed him

p: impressive 1089/1100

P: what you want to study now

jk wrote on the paper about his subject and move towards the principal

P: where are your parents

" i am an orphan"

he wrote it on the paper

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