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Kook read the file and got shocked and then pointed towards himself.....

All the brothers nooded then kook wrote on the paper

"But how do you know its me, i mean it can be someone else too"

namjoon: well you are right but did not you draw these

he said and showed him the paintings the paintings of his mom and brothers

kook wrote on the paper

" how did you got this painting "

kook said being shocked while the brothers nooded and namjoon said while laughing a little

namjoon : little brother did you forgot that your elder brother is the owner of your college

kook looked down being a little embarassed

then tae and jimin hugged him and said

tae/jimin: dont need to be embarassed it happens sometime

they said and laughed

then jin said

Jin: so now you are going to come and live with us

then kook wrote on the paper

"But my father"

jhope: he is not at home and he wont either come

kook looked at them being confused

yoongi: i think little brother again forget that we are mafia for a reason

kook again looked down then wrote on a paper

"Am i really your brother"

tae: you dont believe us

tae said being a little sad but kook immediately shooked his head but namjoon said

namjoon: its ok i know its not easy but lets go to home we will tell you

"But work-"

Jimin: you dont need to do work now , we are your guardians and we have your responsiblity

then they took kook towards the car and jin talked to the manager that he will not come to work from now on

kook was sitting in the car while looking down and playing with his fingers suddenly he remembered something and he wrote on the paper and passed in to yoongi as he was near

"Can we go to my house i want to take my clothes and bag from their"

yoongi nooded and told jimin to move to the old house

as they entered inside kook went to the upper portion more looking like a attire he entered in a small dirty room looking like a basement

all his brothers also entered with him

kook picked his bag and then took his two pairs of clothes and a sketch book

everyone exchanged glances towards themselves and then picked his belongings and again left from their

after about ride of 25 mins they came across a mansion and entered inside

they all sat in the living room while kook was just looking at everything with doe bambi eyes

then his eyes caught a frame which was hanging on the wall

he stood up from his seat and move towards the frame and caress the photo of the man and woman

the woman was his mother while he dont remenmber about the man

the woman was his mother while he dont remenmber about the man

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He just stared at the pic when someone spoke from behind him

Tae: it's appa

Kook nooded then tae said

Tae: come it's almost dinner time jin hyung is making dinner till then I will show you your room

Then they both left towards his room which was a cozy and big room

Kook made an amusing face while looking at the house

Tae: do you like it

Kook shooked his head and tae said

Tae: it's OK we will ch-

Kook stopped him by passing a paper

"I love it"

Tae smiled while kook also smiled back then tae started explaining about the mansion

Tae: the room in front of you is of hobi hyung ,in right is mine and on the left is of jiminee,while Jin hyung and yoongi hyung rooms are beside ours and infront of mine is of namjoon hyung 

Tae: if you need anything feel free to call any of us ok

Kook nooded then jin called them that dinner is ready

All of them left to eat dinner

Kook looked at the table amusingly and then ate a little he was about to go

When jin said

Jin: uh uh where are you going complete your food

Jin said sternly while kook got a little scared and again start eating while others chuckled at his scared face when namjoon said

Jin: skipping meals is not allowed here

Kook nooded when jin remembered something and said

Jin: kookie I want to talk to you so after dinner come to my room

Yoongi: anything serious hyung

Jin: hope so it's not........
I know its not good but still please support.....
𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕦𝕖

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