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Mr choi: WhAt Is HaPpEnInG HeRe.....

Mr choi came inside with an alcohol bottle in his hand he straight came towards the living room

Mr choi: ArE yOu CeLeBrAtInG a BiRtHdAy.....

Mr choi: And ThAt ToO wItHoUt Me Ahhhh KoOkIe is It YoUr BiRtHdAy...... CoMe To ApPa I will Give YoU GiFt....

Kook hide behind mrs Kim while Mr choi started coming near him

Mrs Kim immediately held the knife which she was holding to cut the cake in front of her to stop Mr choi from coming near but no use

He pulled the knife from her and pushed her aside and started coming near

Mrs Kim stood up and push him aside and said

Mrs kim: stay away from my son you bastard

Mr choi eyes became darkened and he slapped her hard after standing up from ground

He hold her hairs and pulled them even hard making Mrs Kim hissed in pain

Mr choi: how dare you bitch.....

Mrs kim: k-kook go from here baby

Kook: n-no eomma

He said crying

Mr choi: let me finish this shit first then I will tell you

He said coming towards kook while Mrs Kim smashed a vase which was near her into his head

Mr choi hold his head looked towards her with rage in his eyes

He picked up the broken piece of vase and move towards kook to stab him but Mrs Kim hold the piece with her hands

Mrs kim: k-kook go from here

Kook: e-eomma

Mrs kim: I SAID GO...

Kook ran from their towards his room and locked the door

After 20 minutes when he did not hear any voice from downstairs he went downstairs to be met with the horrible seen ever

His mother was laying on the ground lifeless he came near her and shook her while crying

Mrs Kim smiled towards him and said

Mrs kim: b-be s-strong baby

Mrs kim: e-eomma is w-with you e-eomma l-love you s-so m-much

Kook: k-kook also l-love you so much e-eomma p-plz d-don't leave k-kook a-alone w-with a-appa h-he w-will b-beat me

He said crying but got no response in return he shook his mother but nothing happened his mother lifeless body was just the only thing he could focus on

He put his head on his mother's stomach and slept while sobbing hardly

It was the last time he was getting his mother's warmth even if it's just her dead body but a mother is a mother.......

Present time

All the Kim brothers and Eunwoo had tears in their eyes while kook was crying hard while snuggling his face in jin's stomach

Jin just patted his back and made him sleep after giving him his medicine

Jin: eunwoo let me show you a guest room you can sleep there

Eunwoo : OK hyung thankyou

Jin: no problem

He said and showed eunwoo guest room and left from there towards the meeting room along with Kim brothers

In the meeting room....

Suga: I swear if I had a little clue about this shit I would have surely tortured him till he begged to me for his death

Jin: but we don't have any choice now what has to happen is now happened

Namjoon: now we should think about kook

Jhope: he needs a therapist....

Jimin: or may be someone who is a good listener and he can tell everything which is in his heart

Tae: everything will be fine I know...... but I am happy and satisfied

Jimin: huh?

Tae: I mean I kill that bastard with my own hands may be not like I wanted too but still with my own hands can you imagine

First he said being a physco then suddenly changing into a drama king on which everyone rolled their eyes......

Later at night jin slept with jungkook In order to take care of him if he had any nightmare in night

And as per their guess he get the nightmare but jin handled it and made him sleep again

They arranged a therapist for jungkook but he get scared so they thought hobi will be the best choice as therapist because he is a good listener and later they will consult a therapist for better treatment

Now after some months kook was fine he was not getting any panic attack and nightmares so they stopped his treatment

Kim mansion is filled with loud echoes of music as today is party in the mansion as per the request of youngest who want to enjoy his moments to the fullest because he got first position in quiz competition in the district level

All the Kim brothers and of course Eunwoo the one and only friend of Kim jungkook were dancing along with the youngest enjoying their moments when....


Jin: yahh you Kim namjoon how dare you to break my luxury set.....

The whole Kim mansion became silent and the loud sound of music became replaced with the rap of one and only Kim seokjin

While all the other Kim brothers along with Eunwoo facepalmed themselves as it was not new for them......
The End...
Thankyou 💜💜

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