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Man: who are you boy and what are you doing here

kook got scared and just looked down

the man again asked him again but kook did not answer anything then another man came from behind and said

man2: hey who is he ?

Man1: dont know i asked him but he is not answering

man 1 said being annoyed then the second man said

Man2: lets ask boss and do whatever he said about him

the first man nooded then they both called their boss

??: hmm whats the matter do you all find something

man1: actually boss their is a boy barely 15 we asked him what he is doing here but he is not saying anything

Boss: hmm bring him to headquarters may be he is related to that bastard

both men nooded and then dragged kook towards their car they all reached near the tall building

then both men came outside and took kook towards the building

they all reached near the office where is was written V

They entered inside and kook saw a man sitting on the head chair but he could not see his face because the man was backfacing him

as the man face kook , he got scared because it was non other than mafia king V

he was wearing mask and was still looking dangerous

as the man saw him his eyes widened and he spoke to himself

??: jungkook

then he guestured kook to come near him but kook shooked his head as he was so scared to even stand in the same room as him

the man again guestured him but kook shooked his head again and some tears fell from his eyes while the man eyes softened looking at the fragile boy

he went near him and sat on his knees and said to him in the most softest tone

??: what happened did something happened

kook just looked down

??: did they said something to you

He said refering to man 1 and 2 who were standing in shock to see the softest side of their boss

kook again shooked his head then ?? Signalled man 1 and 2 to leave

they both left the room then ?? Lead kook towards the couch and made him sat there

then he offered him a glass of water and said while removing his mask

??: my name is kim taehyung

he said forwarding his hand for a handshake

kook accepted it and tae wiped his tears softly and said

Tae: can i ask you something

kook nooded hesitantly then tae said

Tae: but for that, first you need to be comfortable ok

tae: do you want to eat something

tae said while looking at the pale boy

kook shooked his head but tae said

Tae: ok can we be friends

kook nooded his head then tae said

tae: i am so hungry lets eat something then we will talk hmm and no need to be scared from me i am also a human

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