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They both hugged each other without knowing that someone was hearing them smirking

Eun: let's go i will give you a treat

Kook giggled and nodded their head after eating their lunch both of them were heading towards their class when jungkook said

Jungkook : eun you go to class I want to use washroom

Eun: I will also come with you

Jungkook : no it's OK you go to class I will be fine

Eun: OK come soon

Kook hmmed in response and left from their

At bathroom kook was washing his hands after doing his business when someone tapped his shoulder from behind

Kook turned around and saw Ron

Ron: hey mute boy!!

Ron: or should I say a high class actor

Kook looked at him confusely

Ron: ohhh boy don't act smart I know you can speak just acting

He said putting his hand on jungkook shoulder and said

Ron: I got to know you are principal's brother

Ron: well it's a benefit for me I want you to give me exams question paper

Kook eye widened and he immediately said

Kook: no way I won't do that

Ron: ooh c'mon kook you will do that otherwise i will expose your secret to everyone

Jungkook: w-which secret

Ron: that you are principal's brother and moreover you are not mute you were just doing acting to gain some sympathy

Jungkook: huh

Ron: do you want your principal brother to feel shame on you

Jungkook just looked down and ron left from there after threatening him about the exam papers

Jungkook also move from the bathroom towards his class and sat on his usual seat beside eunwoo

Eunwoo sensed kook silent behavior and asked him

Kook told him everything eunwoo aas burning in anger

Eunwoo: how dare him , let me teach him a good lesson

He was about to approach ron when the teacher entered in the class

Eunwoo: I will see him later but you better tell this to namjoon hyung

Jungkook: but they will be worried

They were talking in whispers

Eunwoo: ok you don't tell him I will myself tell him

Kook: ok I will tell him

He said pouting

Time skip to leave time...

Kook went to namjoon office where namjoon was working on his laptop

Kook knock on the door and entered when he was given the permission

He entered and namjoon smiled seeing him

He immediately closed his laptop and started arranging his things

Namjoon: how was the day baby

Kook: good but please hyung don't call me baby

He said pouting and sitting on the couch tiredly while namjoon chuckled

Namjoon: ok baby

Kook: hyunggg!!

He said whining

Namjoon: ok ok let's go

Both of them stood up and left to the garage most probably kook at first and namjoon behind him so that no one can see them together

Both of them sat in the car and left to the home

Time skip after one week

Jungkook did not tell his hyung about ron and he tell eunwoo that he had told his hyungs and Ron is not bullying him now

But actually he did not tell anyone about ron and also lied to eunwoo Ron was now bullying kook with harsh works and sometime with one to two punch

Kook was now again fighting with his own thoughts of being useless , worthless and burden

Now it was lunch break and kook was not feeling well and eunwoo went to take lunch for him in the class

Eunwoo told him to tell namjoon but kook denied saying it will be fine

Kook was laying his head on the desk when Ron came near him

Ron: hey pathetic boy

Kook looked towards ron and did not said anything

Ron: I have a new information about you

Ron: that you have more than one brother

Kook just continue looking at him

Ron: but I have a doubt , are they really your brother or you are using them by getting yourself into their pants

Kook did not said anything and just looked down Ron grabbed his coller and slammed him to the wall

Ron: wait what about your freaking best friend Cha fucking eunwoo

Ron: did you seduced him also

Ron: ok tell me clearly one thing how much money they all gave you for one night I will give you double If you spend a night with me

Kook just looked down when Ron started roaming his hand all over his face

Kook pushed him and move towards the door

As he opened the door he saw eunwoo with food tray in his hand he looked towards him and his eyes became teary so he immediately left from there

Eunwoo looked towards ron who was glaring at Jungkook he put the tray on the desk and went to Ron

He slammed him across the wall and punched him across his face that cause him to spitt out blood

Eunwoo was punching him when Ron's minions came and tried to separate them but of no use so they left from there

After sometime both of them were fighting like hungry lions ready to kill each other when

Teacher: enough of you both , to the principal office now.....

She said sternly and separate them both from each other

Eunwoo Leave Ron with a sudden jerk and left from there towards principal office followed by Ron and the teacher......
To be continue

Mute little soul JJK ff Where stories live. Discover now