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Kook fainted while tae hold him to prevent him from falling.......

Tae: kookie open your eyes....

He said tapping his cheeks lightly in order to wake him up

All his brothers gathered around him and Eunwoo asked

Eunwoo: hyung what happened to him

Jin: don't know jimin call the doctor hurry up

Jimin nooded and dialed doctor's number

Namjoon : tae carry him to his room

Tae carried kook to his room and played him on the bed and put duvet over him

Suga checked his temperature but did not felt anything

Suga: his temperature is normal

Jhope: then how did he faint

Namjoon : Eunwoo I think you should go to your home your parents must be worried

Eunwoo: no I won't leave him alone

Tae: but we are here.... We will take care of him

Eunwoo: noo

He said stubbornly while others sighed

Jin: where is that fucking doctor jimin did not you call him

Jimin: I did hyung...

Suga: then where is he...

He said frustratingly and soon the bell rang jimin ran to open the door

After few seconds he entered inside with doctor

Doctor came near him and said

Doctor : can you all wait outside I need to check him

Eunwoo: you can check him here too I won't go from here

All the brothers sighed on his possessive behaviour while doctor looked at others

Suga: he is right you can check him we are not going anywhere

Suga said coldly while the doctor gulped and nooded his head and started checking him

After 10 minutes he looked up and jin asked him

Jin: doctor is everything alright

Doctor : actually he had a panic attack that's why he fainted

Jhope : panic attack? Suddenly

Doctor : he can tell you better about this may be he had any trauma about some common incident

Eunwoo: when he will be awake

Doctor : don't worry I gave him a shot he will be awake in 10-20 minutes

Everyone nooded and the doctor left from there

After 15 minutes jungkook started Woking up

Tae: hyung he is waking up

All of them sat near him while jin took kook's hand and started rubbing him while calling him softly but kook was whimpering and was saying something in his sleep

Jungkook : e-eomma..... h-he k-kill her

He was whispering it again and again while his brothers look at him being worried

Jimin took a glass of water and sprinkle some water on his face when kook woke up with a sudden jerk and gasp for air

Jin: kook

Jungkook: h-hyung he will k-kill me, he will k-kill me.... hyung p-please s-save m-me.... he will kill m-me

He was mumbling it again and again when jin hugged him and offered him a glass of water

Kook drank  it in one go and said

Jungkook : h-hyung he k-killed her he will k-kill me too

Jin: who baby? Who killed whom

Jungkook : e-eomma.... He k-killed eomma h-hyung

Jungkook said while crying hard and sobbing uncontrollably

Jin: baby can you tell us what happened

Jungkook : h-hyung he.... He killed eomma

Jin: kook who killed eomma

He said softly while caressing his hairs in order to calm him but kook was just crying while hiccuping and said in between his sobs

Jungkook : a-appa

Jin: what!!

Jungkook: I-it was......


It was kook's 10th birthday kook was so happy he was happily jumping here and there like a bunny when his mother called him

Mrs kim: happy birthday baby

She said while kissing his forehead and hugging him securly in his arms

Kook: thank you eomma

(Mr choi was not at home from past week which was quite weird for Mrs Kim but jungkook was happy as he don't have to see his eomma again get beaten by that bastard for saving him)

They both were happy living their moments when Mrs Kim said

Mrs kim: kook come and cut the cake now look I baked it with my own hands

Jungkook : you are the best eomma I love you

Mrs Kim : I love you too kookie

Mrs kim: OK now cut the cake we will celebrate your birthday together

Jungkook : eomma it's the best birthday ever

Then he was about to cut the cake when he heard a voice which he never wanted to hear

Mr choi: WhAt Is HaPpNinG HeRe...............
To be continue
Thankyou...... 💜💜

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