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Next day all of them left to their work well except kook, tae and jimin

tae and jimin told others about the observations of past days and they all also agreed for the checkup

for now kook , tae and jimin are sitting infront of the doctor who is reading the reports of kook

tae and jimin were watching doctor with hopefull eyes when doctor closed the file and handed it to jimin and said

doctor: so as per the tests he dont have any injury in the throat

doctor: so their is only one possibility that he cant speak because of trauma

tae and jimin nooded while the doctor continued

doctor : for that i will suggest you a physctrist, he will help you!!

Doctor : and i have to tell you one more important thing

tae and jimin again nooded and then the doctor looked towards jungkook and motioned one of them to come with him

jimin left with the doctor and sfter talking with the doctor jimin left with tae and kook to their car

all of them sat in the car and drove to home

𝔸𝕥 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕖

namjoon was doing something on the laptop when his eyes fell on the table in which an application was placed

Namjoon picked it up and after reading it he called someone

namjoon: miss canyou please call cha eunwoo from section B2

the teacher nooded and left

after sometime eunwoo entered and stand infront of namjoon after bowing to him

namjoon forward the application towards eunwoo and eunwoo nervously laughed

namjoon: what is this??

Eunwoo: a-application sir

namjoon: that i can see too ... Why you send it to me

eunwoo: for s-section change

namjoon: and why you want to change section

namjoon know why eunwoo want to change section but still he decided to ask him and eunwoo said

Eunwoo did not said anything and then after thhinking miuch he said

eunwoo: a-ahh i-i d-did not u-understand s-some c-concepts

namjoon: for that you have to consult your teacher if they denied you can tell me

Eunwoo sense that its not going good so he immediately said

eunwoo: i-i am sorry sir but i want to be with my friend

namjoon knew it so he sighed and said

Namjoon: i did not expect this from you eunwoo ....but its ok

eunwoo immediately upward his head and saw namjoon signing his application and then forward it to him

eunwoo bowed as respect and thanks

while namjoon patted his head eunwoo turned to leave but again stop and look towards namjoon with a nervous smile

namjoon raised his one eyebrow and eunwoo said

eunwoo: please dont tell it to kook i will give him surprise

namjoon first became confused but then nooded his head

eunwoo left the office while jumping a little in excitement

𝕒𝕥 𝕜𝕚𝕞 𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟

kook was doing his homework in his room and the notes were send by eunwoo on namjoon phone

while the other brothers were discussing about kook's reports

Tae told them what the doctor said while jimin said

jimin: hyung the doctor also said that he have depression

jhope,namjoon: what!!

Jimin nooded by seeing the reaction of his other brothers he guessed that they already knew it

so jimin asked jin

jimin: hyung did you knew it before

Jin nooded

jimin : then why you did not tell us

jin: i thought you all will be worried

namjoon: woahh hyung like now we are not worried

jin: its not like that joon

hobi: then how it is hyung

jin: hobi try to unders-

yoongi: enough!!

Yoongi: whatever has to happened now its done why are you all fighting among yourselves and moreover now we should consult a therapist for him

all of them nooded when namjoon said

Namjoon: hyung !! There is a therapist i know he might help us

namjoon: i think we should talk to him

all of them nooded and jin said

jin: ok joon you have to talk to him as soon as possible and get any possible soloution

namjoon nodded when kook came downstairs and sat between jimin and jhope

namjoon: kook did you complete your homework

kook nooded

namjoon: good boy

tae: kook lets play games now !! I also dont have any work

tae said being excited

jimin: i also want to play but i have to complete files

jimin said looking at yoongi with hope that he will give him some limit

but yoongi glared at him and jimin pout

jhope: how about i join you all

Tae and kook both looked towards eachother and nooded

then three of them left to the gaming room while jimin sulked

and namjoon also left from there to meet the therapist......
𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕦𝕖

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