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Namjoon came to the therapist and told him everything

after listening it carefully the therapist said to him

Therapist: as per my experience , he lost his voice due to shock

namjoon: how?

Therapist: may be he saw something that gave him a trauma and when he again saw his brother getting shot he remember his trauma

namjoon: yeah but how can we cure him , i mean is there any solution

therapist: yeah there is , if he again got any shock there are 80% chances that he will again speak

Namjoon nooded his head then he told the therapist about kook depression

and the therapist said that it will be cured when he will be able to speak

cause it will be difficult for him to write his all emotions

Namjoon nooded and then left home

as he reached he told his hyungs everything what therapist said

jin: shock!!

Namjoon nooded

jimin: how can we give him a shock i mean what should we do know

All were thinking when jhope spoke

jhope: i have an idea

All the brothers looked at him when yoongi said

yoongi: hope so its not stupid like you

Jhope whinned while jin said

jin: yeah continue

then jhope told them about his plan and everyone agreed to it

(For your information
tae and kook are sleeping in the room as its already 10 o'clock)

𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕪

kook reached to college with namjoon and as usual he was early but today he prefer to sit in his class

he sat on his usual bench and sighed looking at the hurtful words written on his bench

he just sighed and erase them

after about 30 minutes bell rang and students started to come to the class

teacher entered and started taking the attendence when she stopped on hearing the knock

~may i come in mam

Kook frowned hearing the familiar voice when teacher nooded

eunwoo enetered inside and handed a paper to teacher

teacher started reading it

while eunwoo roamed his eyes around the class room and smiled at kook

kook also smiled back

then teacher said

teacher: so students he is eunwoo and he is from section B2 but from now on he will be in your section hope you all will be friends

Teacher : eunwoo you can sit beside.....

eunwoo: mam can i sit beside jungkook

teacher: umm yes sure

then eunwoo sat beside jungkook and teacher started the lecture

after three lectures kook and eunwoo both left to cafeteria and roy and his minions did not try to approach jungkook now

at cafeteria

"Why you change your section"

kook wrote on the paper and pass it to eunwoo

eunwoo said to him

eunwoo: really! Do you really think i will spent my whole college life without my friend

eunwoo said dramatically while kook just giggled at his dramatic behaviour

then they ate their lunch and left to their class

after college yoongi came to pick kook from college

and they reached home

eveything went fine

𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡 𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕒 𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕜

here tae and kook are going to a drive in the car just for having some fun

as they reached on a busy road tae got off from the car for taking ice cream for kook and himself

Kook was also standing at the corner of the road

as tae reached in the mid of the road he sat down to tie his shoe laces

kook eyes widened as he saw a car speedly coming towards him

Kook tried to cross the road but someone hold his hand from behind

he was wearing all black with cap and sunglasses with black jeans and black t-shirt

tae pov

today me and kook came for a drive for having some fun or you can say for making kook talk again

as we reached their i went out of my car along with kook and told him to wait while i myself left to take icecream for both of us

as i reached in the middle of road i sat down on my one knee and begin to tie my shoe laces when i saw a car speedly coming towards me

i know who it is , and to be honest i am scared too but i hope he really dont hit me

i was tieing my shoe laces when i heard a voice



I know i am late in uploading this chapter and i dont had any plan to update it tomorrow too

but i had too because this girl
troublemakerkooie was litterly commenting "is everything fine"

so here is the chapter and about the answer of your question is that

yeah eveything is fine , but my board exams are near so i have to do preprations because i did not studied well in the whole year

My exams are bit far but as now it is RAMAZAN for muslims and also for me so while fasting it is a bit difficult to write and imagine

and moreover my pre boards are starting from monday means 25 march

and after that their is EID and on second day of eid their is a marriage ceremony in our home so i wont be able to update

and after EID on 20 april are my boards

so i hope you understand

first i thought i will complete this series before exams but i cant

I am so sorryyy!!

I hope you all understand my situation so please make a prayer for me!!!!

Again i am so sorry for not updating till this late and i also wont be able to upload till 5 may

but i promise i will upload on 6 may if i remain alive!!!!

Stay safe and healthy .......

good bye we will meet after a long break

𝕋𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕦𝕖

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