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Namjoon: jungkook!!!

Eunwoo: yes sir , he is my friend

namjoon thought something deeply and then said

namjoon: you can take it after leave time i will check it till then

eunwoo: ok sir thankyou so much

he said and bowed at 90 degree and then left the office

At leave time as the bell rand eunwoo went to namjoon's office and entered and greet namjoon

Eunwoo: good evening sir

namjoon: good evening eunwoo, i checked the paper and you were right , the paper is correct

namjoon said smilingly and then hamded the paper to eunwoo

eunwoo looked at the paper and saw kookie got 198/200

he got so happy amd thanked namjoon while namjoon just patted his head

then namjoon said

namjoon: by checking his paper i thibk he is intelligent and smart so , if he want to take admission here he is welcome

eunwoo: sure sir ! But is not the admission are closed

namjoon: yeah it is , but according to his test he gave before the closing of admission so he can come here

Eunwoo: thankyou so much sir he will be so happy i will tell him

eunwoo said while meing happy and then namjoon said

namjoon: by the way who checked his paper before me

eunwoo: umm principal sir

namjoon: can i know why he checked wrongly may be you know

Eunwoo: i dont know sir ! You can ask kookie

Namjoon: huh

eunwoo: i mean you can ask jungkook maye be he know he did not tell me anything

eunwoo said and namjoon nooded then he called principal to his cabin

as they heard the knock namjoon said

namjoon: come in

the principal came inside and saw eunwoo and namjoon standing there
he bowed towards namjoona and namjoon just nooded then he asked

p: sir you called me anything important

namjoon: yeah i want to talk to you mr kang

p: sure sir

Principle said and namjoon forward his hand towards eunwooand eunwoo handed him the result card of jungkook and namjoon forward it towards the principle

Namjoon: can i know why you checked it wrong mr kang

namjoon said in his strict gaze while principal became nervous under his gaze

p: umm sir i checked it right

namjoon: stop lieing I checked this and he passed with the highest score why you just failed him

p: t-that sir ... He was not capable of taking admission here

namjoon: but he passed the test and also his 10th marks are acceptable

namjoon: by just checking his result i can say that he is extraordinary student

p: but sir he was an orphan , morever he is mute

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