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Next day they all woke up and left to their work

kook also went to school along with namjoon but as they were a bit early and no student was here

they both left to namjoon office and sat their

kook revised his lessons and namjoon did his own paper work of college

after about 40 minutes the bell rang and kook stood up to go to his class while namjoon also stood up behind him

kook looked at his brother being confused but namjoon said

namjoon: i have to talk to your teacher

Kook nooded and both left to kook's class

as kook entered inside after taking permission of the teacher who was already present their taking the attendance

kook sat on his place while the teacher just stop in respect to namjoon

But namjoon signalled her to continue

the teacher continued and as kook's rollno is last she called his name and kook raised his hand

After taking attendance namjoon said to the teacher

namjoon: i am just here to tell that from now on he is kim jungkook

namjoon said pointing at kook and the teacher nooded his head

no one in the class heared as both were talking to themselves except the students who were sitting in the front row and were evesdropping

after telling this namjoon left towards his office while giving a smile to kook who also returned it

and the class continued

after three lectures kook was packing his bag when ron and his minions came towards him before they could say something eunwoo also came their and said to kook

eunwoo: kook lets go i qas waiting for you

kook nooded and both left towards cafeteria

Eunwoo went to take lunch while kook was sitting on the table when ron again came and said

Ron: hello orphan !!

Ron said and laughed while hos minions said

jay: ron dont said him orphan now dont you know he is a kim now

ron looked towards him and said dramatically

ron: ooh i forget kim jungkook !!

He said sarcastically while kook just looked down while eunwoo also came from back and said

eunwoo: what is happening here ??

Eunwoo: kook who are they ??

Kook just shooked his head while ron said

ron: we are his classmates !!

Eunwoo nooded and then said

eunwoo: ok but now you all can go we friends need some time alone

ron gritted his teeth and then said

ron: bye kim jungkook

he said phrasing the word kim when eunwoo looked towards kook with a confused face and on seeing it ron said

ron: i think your friend did not tell you he is now adopted by some nastic kims

eunwoo: excuse me its our personal matter you dont need to interfere so you can go before i need to push you out

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