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At principal office

Eun woo and Ron were standing in front of namjoon while teacher was explaining how they were fighting after adding some scenes from her😂 when namjoon told her to stop by showing  his hand

Namjoon: why you both were fighting recklessly in the class room

He said folding his hand on his chest

Both of them stayed silent

Namjoon: Mr Eunwoo and Mr Ron I am asking you both

Namjoon: Mr Ron do you have anything to explain

Ron: s-sir he just attack me out of nowhere

He said while Eunwoo scoffed and namjoon asked him

Namjoon : Mr Eunwoo do you have anything to explain on your behalf

Eunwoo : sir he was bullying my friend that's why I hit him

Namjoon: is it true Mr ron

Namjoon: you both are scholarship holders of our college and I won't tolerate any misbehave in my college

Namjoon : Mr Ron you need to apologise to his friend

Ron: but sir I never hit him

Eunwoo: yes you never hit him but you always say harsh words to him did not you?

Namjoon: Mr eunwoo whom he bully can you call him please

Eunwoo: jungkook

Eunwoo said boldly and looking at Ron with fire in his eyes

Namjoon also wide his eyes but he told the teacher

Namjoon: miss can you please call Kim jungkook from class B5

Teacher nooded and left form there

After sometime jungkook enter the office after taking permission

He came and stand beside eunwoo in front of namjoon while looking down

Namjoon : Mr jungkook there Is a complain against Mr Ron that he was bullying you is it true

Jungkook did not said anything and peeked towards Ron who glared at him

Eunwoo: sir if you don't mind can I talk to him a minute please

Namjoon: OK but be quick

Eunwoo nooded and hold kook arm and dragged him to corner and said

Eunwoo : yahh why you did not tell hyung that he was bullying you

Jungkook : he was not bullying me eun

Eunwoo : was not he saying harsh words to you

Jungkook : y-yeah b-but how do you know

Eunwoo: do you think I don't know anything, I k oweverything so please tell hyung he wont say any thing to you

Kook nooded and both of them went again in front of namjoon

Namjoon: so Mr jungkook...

Jungkook: sir he was not bullying me

He said and eunwoo eyes widened and Ron smirked but his smirk soon vanished but kook said

Jungkook : he was not hitting me b-but he was saying harsh words to me

Namjoon: can you explain

Jungkook : he said I am b-burden on my family and I am u-useless he also said that I  s-spent night with eunwoo and my hyungs and they g-gave me m-money

He said looking down while tears were flowing from his eyes

Eunwoo hugged him and patted his back while namjoon said

Namjoon: Mr Ron I am calling your parents any type of bullying is not allowed in my college you have to pay for you deeds

Ron: sorry sir please don't call them

Namjoon: till they come you go face the wall and kneel down with hands in air

Ron went and kneel down

Namjoon : and Mr Eunwoo I am also calling your parents because you should not have beat him

Eunwoo : sorry sir but my parents can't come they are in abroad

Namjoon: then I will call them and get them know about your deeds

Namjoon: and Mr jungkook you should not bear anything you have to tell your teachers and your guardians about it

Eunwoo: sir I told him that you should tell this to your hyung but he said he already told them

Eunwoo said and jungkook eyes widened because his lie was caught he looked towards namjoon only to find him looking at him already with a piercing gaze

He immediately looked down when namjoon said

Namjoon : it's already leave time so Mr Eunwoo and Mr Ron you wait till your parents meet me and Mr jungkook you can go

Jungkook nooded and one last time looked towards Eunwoo and left from there

After meeting Ron parents and having a call with Eunwoo parents namjoon said

Namjoon: so Mr Ron you are suspended from school for 3 days and Mr Eunwoo you have detention of 1 hour for 3 days

Both of them nooded and left from their

Namjoon also went to parking lot and saw kookie already standing near car he opened the car door and sat inside

Kook also sat inside

The whole ride kook tried to talk to namjoon but namjoon did not even spare a glance towards him that make kook eyes teary

As they reach home namjoon first enter inside while kook was following him with teary eyes

They entered inside the house and saw Jin sitting on the couch doing his work

As kook noticed him he immediately ran towards him and hugged him

Jin: how was the day baby

He said hugging him but kook just sniffed a little making Jin confused

Jin: what happened bubba

Kook: joonie hyungie is not talking to me .........

Kook said sniffing
To be continue

As promised it's a double update......... 😊

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