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??: yoongi hyung are you ok!!

?? Said approching the other one while jungkook got scared and immediately started bowing towards them respectably

Yoongi: yeah jiminaah....

while jungkook was continuesly bowing as an apology

yoongi: dont you know how to serve

yoongi said coldy , seeing the drama manager also came and looked at the mess created by the boy

manager looked at the boy angrily and said rudely to him

manager: what the fuck you did ? Is this how you serve the customers !!
You are pathetic useless i knew it just get lost you are fired

on hearing his words jungkook flinched a little and started pleading to not fire him

but the manager was not affected at all

yoongi : after doing this much how shamefully you are standing and not even saying a sorry

jungkook just looked down while crying

he was not a social person , he was a sensitive person and never interact with anyone because he dont want anyone sympathy for being mute

manager: he cant speak sir , and you listen jungkook you are not a worker here anymo-

Yoongi: jungkook

he whispered to himself so that no one hears

Jimin: he cant speak

jimin said shocking

Manager: yes

Yoongi was feeling guilty for saying this to him so he said

yoongi: listen little boy i did not mean to attack on your disability i did not know that i am so sorry

Kook was just looking down

manager: no need to apologize sir , dont worry i will fire him immediately

yoongi: dont fire him it was not his fault it was an accident

manager: but sir-

Jimin: did not you hear what hyung said

Jimin said coldly while looking at the manager with the piercing gaze

manager gulped audibly and said while looking down

manager: i-iam sorry sir

yoongi: hmmm

both of them left after paying the bill and tip to jungkook on which jungkook first deny but than he take and again and again as a thankyou and then wrote

" i am sorry sir for the accident and also thankyou for the tip "

on which yoongi ruffled his hairs softly and left

𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕗𝕖

kook was still satnding looking down when the manager spoke

manager: dont think that if they forgive you easily, I will also forgive you so easily, I will not, for your information your today's salary is deducted

kook nooded his head not having any option

Then he started doing his work again being uncomfortable under the stares he is getting from the customers

he completed his work and left to his house as his shift was over

𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕛𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕚

yoongi was deeply thinking something that jimin also noticed and said

jimin: hyung what happened what are you thinking

yoongi: that boy eyes-

jimin: also seems familiar to you right

yoongi: hmm

jimin: could he be our-

jimin stopped while saying and looked at yoongi

yoongi: dont know ,may be ,we cant say it without investigating

jimin: but we can, his name is also same

Yoongi:there are many people with same name jimin  and we will surely do investigation but after the discussion with hyung and others

Jimin: ok

𝔸𝕥 𝕛𝕜 𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖

Jk entered the house and saw all the lights were off he thought his father is not here yet and was about to go to his room when all the lights turned on and he saw his father sitting on the couch with a leather belt in his hand

he came towards him and said

f: where is your salary

jungkook just looked down not knowing what to do

F: i fucking asked you something do you got it or not

He said angrily

kook just shooked his head , at the instant he feel a immense pain in his back

his father started beating him mercilessly while kook was just curled up in the ball while laying on the ground

after good beatings when his father got tired he threw the belt and left outside while unconcious kook was still lying there

𝕀𝕟 𝕜𝕚𝕞 𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟

jin: what you wanted to talk jimin

jimin: hyung ...... Hmm where is namjoon hyung

jin: he bought seoul international college and went to do some paper work

jimin nooded and then said everything what happened at the cafe and what they feel

taehyung: hyung can he be our kookie

Taehyung said with hopefull eyes looking at his hyungs

Jhope: hyung he has same name also he can be our kookie

yoongi: there are many people with same name jhope

jin: we will disscuss it with namjoon then will start the investigation
𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕦𝕖

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