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Everyone did their dinner and now jungkook is sitting in jin's room with taehyung

tae: what hyung wanted to talk with you

kook shooked his head indicating that he dont know

tae nooded his head then jin entered in the room with his medical bag along with others

he came near jungkook and sat near him on the bed and said

jin: kook i want to do a checkup of you , and want to clear my doubts

Kook looked at them being confused when jin said

Jin: can you remove your shirt

Kook shooked his head as he remembered something

But jin did not listen and said

Jin: nothing will happen baby, and moreover you don't have any choice

As jin said this he started removing kook shirt and kook did not argue anymore back as he knew they won't listen

As jin removed his shirt all of them gasped seeing his body full of scars

Kook just looked down when tae said
Gritting his teeth and try not to burst in front of kook

Tae: did he abused you

Kook just looked down

Yoongi : kook he is asking you something

Yoongi said a little bit sternly while jungkook nooded his head a little and that boil his brothers blood

Tae,jimin,yoongi and namjoon immediately went from the room while jimin said

Jimin: hyung after applying ointment on his scar you also come

Jimin said and left while jin and jhope nooded their head

Then jin started to apply ointment on his scars and then told jungkook to sleep and left from the room after switching off the lights

In the basement

All of them entered inside the basement and found the man tied on the chair in a worst condition

Jimin came near him and woke him up by throwing boiling water over him

The man woke up and looked at the beasts infront of him

He shivered and looked at them when yoongi came near him and said

Yoongi: how dare you to touch our brother from your filthy hands

Hankun: y-your brother I-I don't even k-know your b-brother

Jimin: fucker lier!!

Jimin said and smashed his head from the hammer

His head started bleeding and jin said who enter by know

Jin: Kim jungkook

Jhope: our brother!!

Hankun: h-huh

He stuttered as he got to know what he did with the little boy

Then tae came near him with a drill machine and said

Tae:  now you have to pay!!

Tae said and start the drill and made a whole In his thighs and then in his arms

After some torture jin shot him on his head and left from their

As they entered the living room the scene in front of them made them shook

They saw a man was dragging kook by putting gun on his head while kook was crying continuously

Namjoon: Alex!!.

Alex: yes boss it's me...

Alex said and pressed the gun on kook's temple

Alex: huh ahh wrong move

He said as he saw jhope coming near him

Jin: leave him Alex, what you want we will give you everything

Alex: in this case I want his life so that I can take my revenge

Yoongi gritted his teeth and Alex dragged kook out of the house while putting gun on his head

(I know you all must me confused so let's go into the flashback)


Kook was laying on his bed as he was not able to sleep and was just changing his sides when he heard door opening sound

He sat straight as he thought that its may be his one of the brother but a man came inside and put his gun on kook's forehead and said

Alex: get up boy and don't you dare to shout

Kook just looked at him being scared when Alex said

Alex: ohh I forget you can't even speak

He said and chuckled and said to himself

Alex: kidnapping you will be an easy task

Alex said and told him to get up but kook did not even budge while alex said while dragging him out of the room

Alex: I thought you will be an easy target but look at your attitude!!

Alex said and then started dragging his out of the house when he heard a voice behind him in the living room and stopped on his tracks

Namjoon: Alex!!

As Alex came outside of the house he was about to leave from the gate when someone shoot on his hand and his gun fell down

It was a guard who was assigned to protect kook

Kook ran away from Alex when his other brothers also came outside running

Alex picked his guns and shoot the guard the bullet hit him on his chest and then he shoot towards kook when tae came in front and pulled kook while the bullet left while touching the side of his arm leaving a deep wound

Kook looked at his brother hand and whispered

Kook: h-hyung

𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕦𝕖

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