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Tae: h-he remembered us !!

Tae said this and they separated kook's paintings from others while after sometime jhope and jin also entered while smiling

all of them looked towards them and smiled when jimin said excitedly

Jimin : hyung we have something to tell you

jhope: we also want to tell you something

jhope also said while looking at jin smiling

tae: hyung first us please!!

Jin: no first we will tell you

Jimin: hyung no first us !! We know-

Yoongi: jimin !! Let hyung talk

Tae: but hyung-

namjoon: Tae!!

Namjoon said sternly while tae looked down

then jhope and jin sat on the couch and jhope forward a file towards yoongi

yoongi opened the file and namjoon also peeked

after reading the file their eyes widened and namjoon said while wide open mouth

namjoon: h-hyung is that true

jin and jhope nooded while jimin and tae looked at each other being confused

then yoongi forward the file to jimin and tae and after reading the file they both were also shocked and happy

because the result of DNA was positive

They all then hugged eachother when jhope said

jhope: what you all wanted to show us

then tae took the paintings that jungkook paint and show them their mom sketch

jin: mom!!

All of them nooded

jhope: d-did jungkook drew this

all of them nooded then tae showed them the other pic in which all of them were present

jin: t-thats us!!

Jhope: thats mean he remembered us

all of them again nooded and did a group hug

then jimin said

jimin: hyung when are we going to tell him and bring him here

yoongi: i think tomorrow at his work place will be best

Jin: yeah i also think that

Tae: but hyung cant we go to him today

tae said

namjoon: i think tomorrow will be best

tae : ok

tae said sadly

𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕒𝕥 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕖

kook is sitting alone when teacher came inside with a bundke of papers

she put it on the table and said

teacher: so students these are your paintings that you all paint

teacher: i will distribute them to you after that principal will announce the winner by himself

all students nooded then the teacher distributed the paintings and after that she started the lecture

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