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Next day jungkook was all ready to go to his college he was beyond happy and was feeling a little nervous too

he packed his bag and left from the house happily because his monster father is not in the house

he reached near college and found eunwoo standing there probably waiting for him

he went towards him and patted his shoulder eunwoo instantly hugged him and said

eunwoo: ooh my- kookie i was waiting for you

kook just smiled then both entered inside the college and kook became nervous when he felt all the stares on him

he just looked down eunwoo noticed his nervousness and hold his hand

soon they reached near namjoon's office

eunwoo said to kook

eunwoo: you go inside i will wait here

kook nooded and entered after taking permission

namjoon saw him and said

namjoon: ohh jungkook, come here

jungkook went near him and bowed in respect

namjoon: here is your timetable come i will show you your class i also want to talk something to your teacher

kook nooded and both went outside of the office and found eunwoo standing there

eunwoo saw namjoon and bowed towards him and said

eunwoo: good morning sir

namjoon : good morning eunwoo

Then eunwoo said to kook

eunwoo: kook show me your timetable

kook showed him and eunwoo said

eunwoo : section B5

kook nooded

Eunwoo: sir cant he get the same section as me

namjoon: actually your section is already full and moreover your syllabus is more ahead than section B5

eunwoo: but sir he can do it he will cover it please

namjoon: b-

Namjoon was about to say something when kook stopped him by passing him a paper

"Its ok we will meet at cafeteria"

Eunwoo was about to say something again but then agreed soon the bell rang and namjoon said to eunwoo

Namjoon: eunwoo you go to your class i will show him his class i also want to talk to his teacher

eunwoo nooded and then eunwoo left and namjoon also walked towards section B5 while kook just followed him like a lost puppy

soon they reached near the class room and the teacher was alrady present there

namjoon entered inside the class and kook was just standing near the door when namjoon signal him to come inside

kook came inside and bowed at the teacher then namjoon said

namjoon: students he is the new student of your class hope you all treat him well

namjoon said and all the students nooded except three students at the front row

then one of them stood up who was in the centre and said

??: but sir is not the admission already closed

namjoon: yeah but he take admission long time ago

??: then why he did not came during first week

Namjoon got annoyed a little by his questions and said

namjoon: you came here to study mr ron not to investigate college policies

ron became embarrased and said

Ron: sorry sir

then he sat down while namjoon said to class

namjoon: class his name is jungkook and he is studying on scholorship

Then he said to jungkook

Namjoon: jungkook I hope that you will work hard and achieve your ambition

Kook nooded his head then namjoon said him to sit and kook sat on the last bench which was empty other than that every bench was filled

He sat their and placed his things there while namjoon was talking to teacher

namjoon: he is mute and i dont want any discrimination among him and other students i know i dont know him personally but i still think that he is the best among all the students

Namjoon: take care of him and dont let any students harm him it may lead him to depression and i dont want anyone to become insecure about himself

the teacher ensured him and said that she will take care of everything then namjoon left the class and everyone also become busy in their work

the whole day went normally

the lectures and at cafeteria kook met eunwoo then they spend some time everything went well except the fact that kook was still thinking about ron words

that were roaming around his mind but by spending some time with eunwoo he feels fresh

𝕀𝕟 𝕜𝕚𝕞 𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟

Namjoon got the background of jungkook that show that he is an orphan living at xxx street

nothing else was shown so all of them decided to go there and check by themselves

namjoon also told his brothers about jungkook admission and also showed them his pic

yoongi and jimin exclaimed that they have met him

and jin , jhope and tae agreed that he looked like their mom so tae said

tae: hyung i have a strong feeling that he is our baby

all of them agreed and then jin said

jin: yeah tae but we cant come to conclusion without knowing anything

all of them nooded and then went to their work

𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕥𝕨𝕠 𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕜𝕤 𝕜𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕚𝕤 𝕘𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕖

but the strange thing is that his 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 father did not came home in these two weeks

kook felt strange but he was happy because these two weeks were best for him

he was doing his work when he heard some noises from downstairs

he went downstairs and saw some men in all black and were searching something

he got scared and was about to go when a man hold him from behind and said

man: who are you boy and what are you doing here?
𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕦𝕖

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