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Next day kook went to college he was sitting on his usual seat on the last bench

when ron came to him with his minions and said

ron: hello mute boy

he said sarcastically while kook just looked down

ron: how are you ? Ooh i forget you are an orphan right

ron: who gave you food , i mean you dont have parents , who can love you and give you something to eat

sam: look at his old clothes where you sleep

john: probably on streets

they said this and laughed while teacher entered in the class

teacher: students there is an announcement

All students became silent

Teacher: today their is no class except art class

Teacher: so your first three lectures will be of art and the next three will be the medical class of whole college

teacher: as the art class is also for whole college so you all go in the hall every arrangement is made their

all students nooded then the teacher took them to the hall

they all entered inside and kook was the last one to enter

he looked here and there and saw all the canvass and paints were arranged for students

he looked to find any seat when someone called him

he looked towarda the source of voice and saw eunwoo

eunwoo signalled him to come near him as kook came near him he saw that eunwoo was keeping a seat for him beside him

eunwoo removed his hand from the seat and said to kook

eunwoo: finally i got a whole day to spend with you

Kook nooded and smiled a little then sat near him

then a teacher announced that

teacher: so students , today you are free to paint whatever you want

teacher: and your painting will be checked by mr kim

Namjoon: yes miss you are right, the paintings will be checked by me, but they are not free to paint whatever they want

as all the students hear this they became tensed and started to whisper among themselves

when namjoon again continue

namjoon: calm down , i mean you are free to sketch whatever you want but you will sketch those three things that are precious to you

namjoon: at the end of time i will ask you all why these things are precious to you

namjoon: am i clear

all students said in unison

"Yes sir"

namjoon: and after this class of three hours you all have to go to infiramary for medical checkup

students again said

" yes sir "

then all of them started painting their precious things

some were painting some were thinking about their precious things while some were just looking at the blank page

kook also start painting eunwoo peeked at kooks painting when kook put his hands on his painting and glared at him cutely

eunwoo said chuckling

eunwoo: ok ok calm down i wont see but promise me you will show me your painting after result ok

kook nooded his head

after about 3 hours he was done painting then teachers start collecting their paintings

teacher: students make sure you all had written your name ,class and roll no

then she collected from all of them and students left to the infirmry one by one

Some students came back from infirmary while some are still waiting for their turn

after waiting for about 20 minutes it was kook's class turn

as he entered inside he saw two persons free while the others were busy with the students checkup

one was wearing a doctor coat and on his batch it was written Dr. kim seokjin

and the second was just sitting on the chair scrolling through his phone

Both of them looked towards him and smiled then jin lead him towards the chair

kook sat on the chair then doctor came near him and checked him with sthetoscope

then he checked his temperature and pulse and later told him to role his sleeves for the blood test

Kook rolled his sleeves and jin saw some old scars on his body

he did not asked anythings and took the blood sample of jungkook and handed it to the other one and said

jin: hobi send it to the hospital

hobi nooded and then went outside then kook also left from there

𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕕

Namjoon was looking at the painting and sketches students sketched along with yoongi , jimin and taehyung

When a pic came across his eyes his eyes widened as he whisper to himself

namjoon: mom!!

He looked at the name of the student and saw jungkook

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He looked at the name of the student and saw jungkook

he was just looking at the pic when yoongi spoke

yoongi: guys!

HE said and show them a painting which was also of jungkook

HE said and show them a painting which was also of jungkook

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Tae: h-he remembered us!!
𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕦𝕖

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