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Kook: h-hyung.....

Look whisper to himself no one heard him except Taehyung who was so close to him

Taehyung put his hand on his right arm where the bullet hit him to stop the blood flow

All his brothers came running  to him while jimin hold kook and said

Jimin: kook are you ok

Kook did not said anything just looked at Taehyung arm while some tears made their way from his eyes

Then he signalled towards tae arm and then towards himself probably blaming himself for that

Other brothers took tae towards the house and made him sit their

Then jin came their with his medical bag while jimin took kook to his room and  said

Jimin : kook I know you are blaming yourself for tae's injury but let me tell you that it's not because of you

Kookie just looked down while jimin said

Jimin: do you want to go to tae

Kook immediately nooded his head

Then jimin wiped kook tears and grabbed his hand and left downstairs where tae was sitting along with other brothers

As kook saw tae he immediately ran towards him and hugged him tightly tae also hugged him back and kook wrote on a paper

"I was so scared hyung"

Tae felt sad as he heard kooks voice but now again kook is writing to tell something to them

But tae did not said anything because he don't want make kook awkward

Then tae said to kook

Tae: and why was my baby scared huh

"because you got hurt because of me "

Kook said and looked down while tae said

Tae: who said its because of you

Tae: it's not because of you and I don't want to hear this again

Tae said and upward his chin with his index finger

Kook nooded his head and then tae said

Tae: now what should we do

Tae said looking at his brothers when jhope gave the idea

Jhope: how about we watch the movie what you say kook

Kook nooded his heads and smiled

Then jin said

Jin: OK me and yoongi will prepare snacks while you all go to movie room ok

All of them nooded and left towards the movie room

Tae select a movie and after jin and yoongi came they all started to watch the movie

In the mid of the movie namjoon felt something on his shoulder and saw kook was sleeping peacefully

He guestured his all brothers and they all cooed at their little brother cuteness and innocence then tae stopped the movie and all of them left to their room

While jimin picked kook and left to his room because he thought it would be better if kook sleep with someone

Next day

All of them woke up and did their morning routine and were now sitting on the dining table eating their breakfast when tae said

Tae: hyung how about we go to shopping today we will buy some essentials for kookie too

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