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So yaah guyss!!!!
I am here on the time hope you all wait and dont hate me for making you all wait for so long

Let's start the story hope you all enjoy ........

Kook pov

hyung went to take icecream from the other side of road when suddenly he sat in the middle of the road

i panicked when i saw a car speedly coming towards hyung direction

i tried to go towards him when someone hold my hand from behind i looked and saw a man wearing all black along with cap and black goggles

i tried to free myself but of no use unknowingly my tears started to pour down from my eyes

i looked at hyung and saw the car was about to hit him i closed my eyes tigltly and

kook : HYUNG!!!

When i did not hear any sound i felt the grip on my hand also losened

I look towards the road and found the car just standing inch away from hyung

hyung ran towards me and hug me tightly while the person standing next to us was looking at us

kook: h-hyungie i-i was s-so scared

tae: everythings fine baby

when out of now where the person in all black hugged me i got starteled

and tried to push him away when the person remove his mask i saw

Kook: s-suga hyungie

he just nooded then i looked towards tae hyungie and he just shrugged his shoulders and pointed towards the car which was about to hit him

I looked towards the car and saw jimin hyung coming

Kook made a confused face while all of them chuckled and jimin hugged him tightly and swirled him around

kook also hugged him back and jimin let him down while jungkook giggled cutely

When something stuck him hard

kook: i-i can s-speak

all of them nooded and kook just looked at them with teary eyes while tae said

Tae: yaah don't you dare to cry I worked hard for this

Tae: you know I put my life in danger to make you talk again otherwise who knows this shorty would have really hit me for taking his jam

Tae said dramatically while jimin glared at him and kook giggled cutely

Suga: now let's go home others and waiting

Jimin: hyung you already told them

Suga: yeah

Te: when

Suga: when you both were busy bickering with eachother

Jimin and tae rolled their eyes and kook smiled

All of them sat in the car and drove to their home

At Kim mansion

Kook entered the mansion and found namjinhope sitting on the couch probably waiting for them

He ran towards them and hugged jin tightly, jin also hugged him back when he found something wet on his shirt

He looked down and saw jungkook with teary eyes he just
Gently wiped his tears and shooked his head indicating him not to cry

Mute little soul JJK ff Where stories live. Discover now