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after her fathers pleading, she was finally at the hospital.

sitting on a hospital chair outside in the waiting room, she looked afar to see her dad signing the paperwork.

tears fell down her cheeks as she held tightly onto the bottom of her skirt.

she needed him. she needed him.

picking up her phone, she went and dialled his number, placing the phone up to her ear.

the line clicked instantly and he spoke, "el?"

she bit down on her lip to stop herself from crying.

"el? you there?" he asked, "i can hear you breathing,"

she looked up to stop her tears before her voice cracked, "hi,"

"hey," he breathed out softly, "what's going on?"

a whimper escaped her as she whispered. "i... i need you,"

"i'm here. tell me what's going on,"

after a few seconds, she built up the courage to whisper, "i'm sick... it... it came back,"

she heard his shaky breath for a second before he said, "where are you? are you feeling okay?"

"i'm at the hospital with my dad," she told him quietly. "mike... i don't wanna fight this anymore. i... i rather do the things i never did instead,"

"but el—"

"i want to meet you," she cut him off, "i'm so sorry about the other day. i was feeling horrible and i took it out on you because i didn't want to believe i was growing sick again. i'm so so so sorry,"

"don't be sorry, el. i understand, okay? i understand completely. you were going through so much..." he told her. "and i would love to meet you. i've been dying to but are we close?"

"you're from hawkins," she stated.

he stuttered and chocked on his breath. "how— how did you know?"

a small giggle escaped her. "you mentioned benny's diner when you were as high as a kite. i'm from hawkins too, mike,"

he gasped quietly. "we're meeting,"

"we are,"


she paused. "soon but not too soon. i have some stuff to deal with so... in a month?"

"sure, in a month," he promised her. "you want to facetime?"

her head shook even though he couldn't see. "no... the element of surprise and all," she tried to smile as she realised her dad was walking back. "hey, um, i have to go,"

"oh yeah, of course. you gonna text me later?"


"okay, i'll be waiting. it's going to be just fine, el. don't worry,"

"i know, i know," she murmured to herself. "thank you for picking up... are you mad at me?"

"never, el,"

she smiled widely. "okay... good, okay. thank you," she whispered before she said a quick goodbye and hung up the phone.

her dad came back, standing in front of her as she peered up through her wet lashes. "home?"

he nodded at her and went to take her head. "yes, let's go home, kiddo,"


mike :)

are you home?


THE GREAT WAR ; MILEVEN TEXTING AUWhere stories live. Discover now