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morning mike
how are you feeling

i am feeling great

hmm i assume so

damn what the fuck


shirt = gone
i need to find it


i think i took it off because i was sweating
but there's guacamole on my shirt
i think we had a midnight taco party

i thought you went to bed???

yeah and then i woke up
and made a taco
and then my friends made nachos

i want some tacos rn

me too
but donut first
did you just wake up?

i woke up an hour ago

that was 1pm

yes and????
ur point?
why are u just waking up

cuz i'm tired

as am i

u should hug cosmo

i should
i feel moody
he makes everything better
except when he screams at the oven and fridge and microwave and feeder and back door and the pan and the fryer


he be screaming at everything that may produce food

the back door????

my dad comes in through the back sometimes w burgers
he is conditioned to think the back door gets him food

cats are so dumb

not my cosmo
he is an angel
a cute angel who smartly found my dad

alright alright
an angel
anyways what are your plans today?

nothing much ☹️
might b sad and stay at home

why sad?

idk cuz i'm that sad bitch
take donut pics for me 😊

fuck the donuts
i wanna talk to you

but the donuts ☹️😢🤧
nah mike i'm fine bro
all i did was cry a little and now i'm doing math hw!!
speaking of
ur lesson w me over the phone helped me
learn more in that hour than i did the entire semester

send it over and i'll check it for u

ur da bestttt 🩶🩶

now back to why you're crying

i am?
did i say that?

yes, you did

shit i did
all girls cry

ok i don't care about other ppl?

aw ok
i was just feeling like shit
it's no biggie really
i cry all the time
cuz it b painful sometimes
then i gotta take my meds
then i rmb i could die any day from stipid cancer
might as well jisy die now
but then my dad brought me breakfast in bed to make me feel better so i'm better now
i might drop off some food and flowers at his work if i feel like walking

THE GREAT WAR ; MILEVEN TEXTING AUWhere stories live. Discover now