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mike sat down at the lunch table where his friends were already seated, setting down the lunch with a thud.

dustin flinched at the sound and looked up from his food in confusion. "well excuse you,"

mike sent a look. "don't be such a scaredy cat,"

dustin scoffed at him as mike stabbed the mac and cheese with his fork.

"what's up your ass?" lucas asked with a hand wrapped around max's shoulder.

mike gazed up without moving his head. "what do you think?" he looked behind lucas and they all followed his gaze.

a wavy haired girl waved at him with her fingers and mike rolled his eyes. "she won't stop following me. she almost ruined our project. i didn't even want to work with her and my grade may be fucked now,"

"just ignore her, mike," max advised. "you can't be mad everyone wants a piece of your popular ass,"

he narrowed his gaze. "not you,"

she physically gagged. "in your dreams,"

he smirked before setting his fork down, leaning back on the chair with a sigh. "i'm so over this school day," he mumbled, running a hand through his hair as will looked at him weirdly.

"why are you emo today?"

"wow, thanks will," he murmured with an eye roll.

using his head, will motioned behind him. "i mean look at that girl. you're just as emo as her,"

mike turned around instantly, noticing the petite girl who was sitting along at her table, dressed in an oversized ripped black knit sweater.

her dark hair with grey and white highlights covered her face as she looked down at her bag.

within seconds, she zipped the bag up and stood in a hurry, tucking her medium length strands behind her ear.

his eyes grew wide and his breath hitched.

she may be the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on.

"who's that?" he finally asked his friends before turning back, his heart still pounding.

they all shrugged. "dunno. i know she never talks to people though. a real loner," wills said as dustin nodded in agreement. "we never had a class with her but we know she hates talking to people."

"i feel bad though," max said. "we have tried before actually. all of us. sometimes we'd see her at service hour stuff." then, her brows furrowed. "wait, why are you so interested? do you like her!?"

mike shushes her quickly. "i do not. i don't even know her,"

lucas grinned at him. "you're blushing, wheeler."

mike mumbled something before grabbing his bag. "i have to head to the library," he slung his bag over his shoulder before walking out of the cafeteria.

once he walked out and looked right, he noticed the same girl right down the hall.

he walked straight up to her, tapping her shoulder which made her flinch in an instant.

she turned around with wide eyes and took a step back.

"hey," he grinned as she moved back.

his brows furrowed. not to sound like a prick but when he talked to girls, they'd be delighted.

they wouldn't look scared.

"i don't know you," she hugged her bag to herself and moved away.

"hey, i was just being nice—" he started but she was already walking down the hall and away from him.

THE GREAT WAR ; MILEVEN TEXTING AUWhere stories live. Discover now