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you awake?

no go away

that sounds like someone who's awake

i'm about to fall asleep

it's 10

yeah and i'm in the car heading home
about to fall asleep

oh why?
what did you do?

they ran sooooo many tests
soooo tired now

did u do blood tests and stuff

so i need go eat now

or you could go home and sleep

my dad is going to work so i wanna eat w him first
or else i'll b home alone all day

there's cosmo

he's a cat who probably loves the feeder more than me lol


yup but that's fine
he's a cat so

hopefully spark doesn't trade me in for treats

he will
promise you

um ok
that's scary now
i took him in

they be like that mike

so did the doctors say anything today?
you feeling good?

aren't we talking about how our pets would trade us in for food

yes but i'm changing the subject


because i want to ask about how you are

well i'm fine
healthy enough to not die just yet so don't worry
i will keep annoying you!!


they did say it was spreading or smt but idk lol
don't care rn

spreading? the cancer?

yeah bro
what else?
my caca?????


i'm a funny gal what can i say

that wasn't very funny

yo u need to stop being so serious lol
loosen up

i am not serious

yeah you are

because it's you

and my cancer?
ur only being so serious cuz i could drop dead


you don't know me irl anyways so it's fine

we are meeting in a few weeks

yeah but not real life real life y'know
cuz we started talking without knowing in real life life

ok i can feel that you're changing the subject

am not
don't accuse me yo

THE GREAT WAR ; MILEVEN TEXTING AUWhere stories live. Discover now