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"hey, sad girl,"

she turned around, sending a glare as she almost slipped on the ice. "stop making fun of me!"

he laughed, skating towards her to hold her arms whilst she moved agaisnt the ice.

"ah! i'm going to fall!" she screeched, grabbing onto his black button up shirt before draping her hands over his shoulder as she slipped.

"el!" he exclaimed, falling with her as he made sure to fall backwards instead so she would land on top of him.

he brushed her hair out of her face and whispered. "are you hurt?"

she shook her head and pushed herself off. "i'm fine, are you? i landed right onto you,"

"all good, you ain't hurting me," he held onto her by snaking an arm around her waist, pushing himself back onto his feet as he helped her do the same.

her eyes widened a little when his hand tightened around her, making sure she was safe.

he looked down and she looked up. that's when she realised she barely reached his shoulder.

her cheeks heated and he smiled when he noticed. "you have a cute nose,"

"thank you," she began to grin from ear to ear, going to hug his waist. "you know..." she began to murmur as he hummed. "the other day, mall boy asked me out,"

he instantly pulled his upper body back to look down at her properly. "he what?"

she held back her smirk and nodded. "yup... he said we could grab dinner, head down to the beach—"

"you said yes?"


"you cant go out with that mall boy."

"and if i do?"

"i'll put you on lockdown,"

"you cant do that. you don't own me, sad boy," she continued to tease him in a serious voice. "have you seen his muscles?" she asked in a hushed tone.


she faked innocence and looked up. "what?"

"you're not going out with mall boy,"

she giggled and shook her head. "but what if i am?"

"then... i'll show up and crash your date and then..."

"then what?"

he bent his head down, a hand trailing down her jaw to hold her chin, tipping her head up as he whispered lowly. "then i'll do this in front of him,"

he leaned in as he tipped her chin to press his lips to hers.

she gasped at the sudden movement, inching closer for more as his tongue swept over her soft lips.

a few seconds later, he pulled back, using both hands to cup her face as she blinked repeatedly, smiling as the realisation hit her. "sad boy... did you just take my first?"

"i suppose i did. was it all you ever imagined?"

her nose scrunched and she shook her head. "nope. so bad! ugh, it was horrible, worse than expected, oh my goodness, you're popular—"

he leaned in to give her another kiss, practically sucking the air out of her.

she gasped, eyes wide. "michael,"

he smirked and told her, "and i suppose i took your second kiss too,"

"i suppose so," she sighed deeply before mumbling. "i'd never go out with mall boy. he's mall boy,"

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