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incoming call from sad girl ❤️

"hey there," he smiled as he answered the phone, "what's up?"

she waited a few seconds before she let out a quiet, "hi,"

he froze, pausing misstep in his room as concern built up. "hey, is something wrong?" he tried to ask gently.

"yeah... yeah, no, im fine. i'm— i'm in the hospital." she said quietly. "i... i have to stay the night or maybe more... im not sure yet, but..."

"are you in pain? what happened?"

"they detected something bad, i guess. i'll be out of here in no time but, we can't go on our date today,"

"that's the least of my worries. can i come see you?"

"not now but later tonight, yes. shit, they're coming to suck some blood out me," she joked but he couldn't find the will to laugh.

she instantly said, "i'll be fine. i promise. i'll text you when you can come visit. i need to do some tests now,"

"no, go. i'll wait for your text,"

"okay, mike. bye..."

"bye, el," he let out quietly before she hung up the phone.

he looked down to his lock screen, sighing before he texted the groupchat.

the party

u guys wanna meet?

don't u have a date w el?

something came up
u guys wanna meet or what

to get high?

to get high

the park?

meet there in 10 then
lucas bring the stuff

he doesn't have it
dustin does

alright whatever
actually can someone bring cigs



cuz u didn't say please


that's not please

whatever i'll go buy them myself

he was the first to arrive. he sat on the children's playground facility, right next to the slide as he took a small drag of the cigarette.

his friends arrived shortly to sit next to him, bottles of alcohol with them.

"so did el blow you off?" dustin asked as mike checked his phone again, knees bent up.

his head shook gently. "no, uh, she's sick,"

lucas waved the bottles and a joint. "you sure you don't want some?"

mike shook his head. "nah, i wanna be sober to see el later,"

"but she's sick,"

"yeah, but i can visit her. she just... needs to do something first," he mumbled vaguely, knowing el probably wouldn't want him spreading around how she was sick and in the hospital.

he took another drag and jumped when his phone rang after several minutes.

he pressed the phone to his ear. "hey, sad girl?"

THE GREAT WAR ; MILEVEN TEXTING AUWhere stories live. Discover now