ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴄᴀᴍᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ

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(Y/N) was being treated at the doctor. They had to sew a lot of her wounds, while Sanemi was also getting a treatment, since he had gotten a lot of cuts as well.

(Y/N) injuries were a little worse and deeper, especially on her right thigh.

After about 45 minutes of treatment the doctor came in and told him he was good. The wounds had been patched up and he could go home and wasn't in any real danger.

He would wait for (Y/N) to finish getting her treatment done and just waiting in the waiting area. He really was worried, because of how injured she had gotten herself in order to help him fight the upper moon.

After more 30 minutes (Y/N) stepped out of the room with some bandages on her arms and her right thigh. She didn't break a bone or anything, but had really deep wounds and scars.

She limped out of that room and seemed really surprised to see Sanemi.

Oh... you're still here?

Sanemi snapped back and looked up to her.

Yeah, I couldn't just leave while you were still being treated right? Did you seriously thing I would do that?!

He said, stood up from the chair he had been sitting on and acted offended. But still the way his voice sounded, it clearly implied that he was relieved to see her in such good shape.

Are you alright? I was honestly really worried that you'd take serious damage from it or.... or worse...

Ok... since when do you worry about
other people? (Y/N) said and still had this confusion in her face. She didn't get what was going on and why he was suddenly nice to her. She was also not used to him being this calm.

Shut up, I just...

He said before he quickly stopped and his face turned completely red. He didn't know how to express how worried he was or even tell her. He couldn't believe that he really had started to care about this stupid idiot.

I-I'm just glad that you're okay that's all... he said and tried looking away from her, but somehow his eyes stayed on her.

Ah... ok thanks. She said and lightly smiled at him.

He didn't return her smile and simply kept a neutral and silent expression, but he felt a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. He had actually started to care about this loud annoying idiot. It was the weirdest feeling, because he has never once ever cared about anyone but his family.

(Y/N) then limped over to a shelf where the doctors have put her weapon, shoes and other belongings. She put on her shoes and took her weapon.

Let's go home. I'm starving. She said and started limping out the door.

He was still in shock with the whole situation, so he didn't move a single muscle for a few seconds before he snapped back to reality and started to follow her.

Y-Yeah... yeah, let's go home.

He said while walking behind her and looking to the side, keeping a neutral expression although he was internally dying to ask about her injuries. His curiosity was killing him, all he really wanted to know was, was she doing ok?

What's wrong with Sanemi? He acts so weird since I got injured... like... he's almost... nice? I'm not used to that...

(Y/N) thought to herself.

They kept on walking for a long time. There was silence while walking till (Y/N) spoke up.

How are you? Are your injuries bad? she asked nicely.

Don't worry about me, I'll survive. He said bluntly. Just because he started to care about her doesn't mean his personality suddenly changed.

You're the one that almost died, how are you feeling?

I didn't ALMOST die.. She said while she awkwardly laughed. I was just... a little injured. I would have survived without you.

I really doubt that. He said in a dead serious tone, not wanting to take this lightly. You and I know, you would never have been able to fight a demon like that all by yourself, because you're stupid. He said and looked at her for a moment.

Whatever... I don't care if you would've survived or not, anyway... he said casually.

(Y/N) looked over to him and had a rather shocked expression on her face. She then tried to laugh about it, because she remembered that Sanemi was just like that. Normally his comments never get to her, but that one kinda hurt.

Heh... yea I know how you feel...

His expression would immediately change after realizing how rude he sounded and how much he might have hurt her with those words, he quickly regretted saying that.

I-I.. It came out wrong, I just meant it as a joke, you're... He stopped mid sentence because she cut him off.

Hey hey! It's ok. You know that I don't care what you think of me. (Y/N) said with a teasing undertone.

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