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799 26 10

‧₊˚at Sanemis mansion˚₊‧

Sanemi woke up normally, at 6 am with the intent of continuing with his usual routine, but it was clear that his mind was wandering constantly. He couldn't stop thinking about  (Y/N) and he didn't quite understand these new feelings. He'd never felt this way before, especially about a girl. Despite how annoying and loud she is, she did have a charm to her and she was cute though.

Sanemi shook his head as he realised what he was actually thinking right now. The only thing he should be thinking about right now was his training. But for some reason he was not able to focus...

After about 2 hours of training he gave up. He was left with nothing to do. It was obvious that his usual routine wasn't going to work today, because his mind just wouldn't shut up. He just had her on his mind all the time. It was so annoying that he was getting angry at himself. He hated how childish this whole situation felt and the fact that he was acting this way over her.

He then decided to go and check on her, even though. There was also another reason he wanted to go there. He was trying to figure out these new feelings he has about her.

He headed over to the butterfly mansion, but just thinking about knocking on her door felt ridiculous and embarrassing. He thought he was just being too dramatic, so he decided to just open the door and peek inside to see if she was awake.

Sanemi took a look inside the room, which was especially gorgeous for harmed Hashiras after battles. (Y/N) was sitting in a bed and had someone next to her. It was Shinobu. She was bandaged (Y/N)s arms... for some reason...

So... you better keep these on for a few weeks or we'll have to amputate both your arms! Shinobu said strict, obviously joking about (Y/N)'s arms being cut of.

Alright, Alright... (Y/N) said and seemed annoyed.

I'm serious (Y/N). And if you ever try to sneak out again, while you're in sick leave, I'll tell the higher-ups to never assign you with Shinazugawa again!!

They talked. It seems that (Y/N) wounds were worse that Sanemi had thought... but that doesn't make any sense... he can't remember seeing any wounds on her arms...

He then stepped in the room.

Hey... sorry that I just walk in here without knocking. he said, surprisingly polite.

He then also saw that on some parts, the ones Shinobu didn't put any bandages yet, were completely blue-purple and looked really painful.

It's ok Shinazugawa. Shinobu said and stood up after finishing (Y/N) bandages.

(Y/N) looked up to her and watched her walk away. Shinobu gave her a weird grin.

I'm gonna go now. she said and went out the door.

After Shinobu left the room Sanemi walked closer to (Y/N) bed. He got himself a chair and sat down with the back of the chair facing

Soo... your injuries seem more serious then I thought. he said trying to act as stern as possible right now.

Injuries? (Y/N) said and looked him directly in his face with confusion.

Her expression caught him off guard and he was unsure of how to respond to that, was she just going to play dumb right now? He wasn't quite ready for that..

Yes, your injuries from yesterday...? For example your arms... Hmm... I can't remember you having any wounds on your arms though... Sanemi said and was getting more confused.

(Y/N) then chuckled lightly. For some reason she found his cluelessness kinda cute.

These are not from yesterday. she said with a smile as she pointed at her arms.

If these aren't from yesterday then what are they from..? he asked stern but a small smile escaped him as he perceive her good mood.

Her laugh and her overall behavior, it kind of had a calming effect on him... He didn't really know why his behavior was getting more and more relaxed. But there was something soothing to it.

I have a sickness, that sometimes makes my arms turn to this deep blue colour. It hurts a little, so Shinobu told me to put bandages on it and not move them, while they're like that. No idea what it is actually and I feel like Shinobu doesn't know what this sickness is is either. Usually after 2 days the colour and the pain is gone again. And some weeks later it's there again.

(Y/N) explained and had a constant smile on her face.

His heart pounded as she explained the whole situation. He was shocked to learn that she's actually sick and her arms get like this regularly, but he had to hide his reactions, he couldn't just freak out on her.

That's... really strange he said.

Her smile is... beautiful...

Sanemi though to himself.

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