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Hey wanna walk home together? (Y/N) asked Sanemi from the side as he had been standing outside the mention for like a minute, with his head down, looking on the ground. As he heard her voice he quickly looked up and most of his anger seemed to vanish.

He couldn't help but smile at her, his heart feeling all tingly... Yeah... I'd like that.

He said in a relaxed tone and started walking with her. He had his hands in his pockets, trying to keep a somewhat cool demeanor but his mind was all messed up.

How is your head? The kid nearly knocked you out, huh? (Y/N) said to teas him a bit, while looking more higher at his forehead while walking next to him.

He rolled his eyes as she was teasing him. Hmph... He caught me off guard... He said in a annoyed yet lighthearted tone, trying to keep calm. He noticed her looking at his forehead... also coming closer to him... He gently punched her shoulder.

Stop looking at my forehead...

She then chucked slightly. I'm sorry princess, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable...~ She said in a more flirty way.

He rolled his eyes again and sighed, hearing her sill calling him that... Stop calling me that... He said and turned his head away to hide his blush.

Hmm, but you liked it so much when I called you that in the hot spring... right?

He suddenly froze, getting reminded of the events in the hot spring again and his eyes widened from embarrassment. His cheeks turned redder, now making it more obvious...

Shut up... He said and pushed her shoulder again, much harder that time. The push was so hard and so out of nowhere, that it made her fall to the side. She shortly screamed as she fell to the ground, landing on her butt. She then looked up with a slightly shocked smile.

He saw her fall to the ground and his eyes widened... but he also couldn't hold back a laugh. He really didn't mean to push her that hard though.

Crap... He said under his laughter and quickly kneeled down in front of her and held out his hand to help her up. Im sorry... i didnt mean to push you that hard...

At first she looked up to him with a pissed expression. But as she took his hand she began to smiled and suddenly pulled him down with her. She started laughing a bit.

He was completely taken off guard, as she suddenly pulled him down with her. A look of shock on his face. As he heard her laughing, his brain needed a few seconds to process what just happened... but then he started laughing as well. You little... He said between laughs and suddenly got on top of her and tried grabbing her arms to hold her down.

Oh you wish... She said while laughing as well, as she quickly sat up again. She got on top of him and held his arms against the ground They were at the side of the forest path and nearly in some bushes. He now again realised the strength in her arms, as he really couldn't get up.

He was about to protest, till they suddenly heard some footsteps coming closer. (Y/N) turned around and saw Tengen standing there... already looking at them with wide eyes. I knew it... get a room, will ya? There was a moment of awkward silence before Tengen walked off again.

Sanemi felt his face turn even redder, as Tengen suddenly showed up. This guy has a gift at catching Sanemi at the worst moments....  IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! He yelled back as he laid under her.

Didn't think you liked being dominated by woman. But don't worry, it gets better. Tengen said before he was completely gone.

They looked after Tengen while Sanemis cheeks burned red... before he turned his gaze back to her, realizing she was still on top of him, keeping him down... What the fuck would he know... He mumbled under his breath, but was too embarrassed to push her away... and secretly kind of enjoying it.

(Y/N) then got off of him again and helped him getting up by holding out her arm to him. Well he does have 3 wives. And I'm sure Makio can also get a little dominant with him... She said and smiled at him.

He took her arm to get up and avoided eye contact as he was still embarrassed, feeling his heart picking up pace at that last comment... I don't want to know about that guys sex life... He mumbled and started walking again as if nothing ever happened. But he couldn't hide how flustered he still was... all thanks to her...

Oh, my bad... I forgot I'm talking to someone with no experience. (Y/N) said trying to sound flirty but also had to hold back a laugh while they were walking.

Well... you're right about that... but how about you help me change that?~ He said in a sudden really flirty tone. (Y/N) face quickly heated up as he made that offer.

Huh?! she said after she heard him say that. He chuckled as she reacted that surprised, looking over to her with a smirk on his face.

You flustered now? He said in a teasing tone and moved closer to her.

Why is that? I thought you would enjoy a comment like that, or did you think I'd be too shy to make suggestions? Or maybe you even liked the idea of helping me change my... lack of experience?~

She felt a heavy weight on her quest as they were talking about something like that... but she wasn't sure if it was more fear than embarrassment... Seeing him being flirty really was something different. She was usually the one making the moves.

Hmm? I'm not flustered. she said quickly and turned her face away.

Sanemi's smirk got wider as he saw she was thrown of by his flirty and teasing behaviour, enjoying being the one in control in this situation for once. Oh yeah? Then why is your face turning red, huh? You're not fooling anyone...~ He said and gently flicked her chin with his arm that he had on her shoulder, around her neck. Making her face him more.

He then saw the rather stressed expression on her face. But for what reason anyway?

He got more serious as he saw the look on her face, his smirk fading away and his expression turning into a more calm one. Hey... why do you look like that? He stopped and moved in front of her, so she was forced to look at him. He tilted his head down to her and looked at her with an almost concerned expression...

She also stopped walking and now had both her hands in front of her face. I'm sorry... I think I just had a panic attack... she said and piecked through her spread-ed fingers.

Why are you apologising... you can't control that. He gently took her hands and moved them away from her face, so he could look at her properly. He took her hands in his, keeping it there and just gently massaging her palms with his thumbs, trying to calm her down...

As he took her hands he noticed they were extremely cold and sweaty. He gently held them in his hands and massaged them again, before he put her hands up to his mouth and blew warm air against them before rubbing them again, to keep warmth in them...

Is it getting better? he only said, since hes isn't the best at comforting. He hoped that being close to her and paying attention to her was enough.

Yes... It was a really short one... Thanks. He said and smiled at him while taking some deeps breaths.

He lightly smiled back, being relieved she was doing fine again. He held her hands for a few more seconds before he suddenly lifted them up to his mouth and gently kissed the back of her hands a few times... No need to thank me... I'm just glad you're ok again.

She blushed a little at his sudden move, but also couldn't hold back a smile. Yea... she said before she slightly got on her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss on the mouth. Let's get home.

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