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Sanemi's eyes widened at the sudden kiss, his face getting flushed... but he quickly pulled himself together and gave her a small smirk, still slightly embarrassed from the kiss. Yeah, we should go... Before I do something to you right here... He mumbled and put his arm gently around her shoulder as they started walking again.

as they arrived at (Y/N) mention

So... You wanna stay over? it's already a little late.

Sanemi thought for a second. Spending more time with her didn't sound bad, so he nodded. Sounds good... He said in a calm, yet slightly relaxed voice.


They then walked through her front mention, entered the house, walked through it and then arrived at her terrace.

Here. She said and pointed somewhere for Sanemi to sit down. You want tea?

He sat down on the Zabuton (a traditional Japanese seat cushion) and leaned back a bit, getting comfortable by supporting himself with his arms behind him.

Sure, I'd love a tea.

He said while looking up at her, noticing how beautiful she looked in the sunlight.

While she was gone he looked around the terrace for a bit and noticed a lot of plants and also some glasshouses with growing vegetables.

He observed the plants and growing vegetables around him, not seeming like the type of person that would know much about them... but the view did look nice.

After some minutes she came back with the tea. It's a pretty sweet one, I hope you like that. She said and placed it on the small table in front of Sanemi.

Once she came back with the tea, he thanked her and lifted the cup up to his mouth to take a sip... Hm... it's really good... He said in a calm tone, enjoying the sweetness of the tea and giving her a soft smile.

She sat down next to him.

The sun was going down and about to touch the horizon. There were small lanterns placed on (Y/N)'s terrace or hanging down from somewhere, making it possible for them to see, even if the sun goes down.

Im glad you like it. You've never been at my place, right?

He observed the beautiful view they had at the moment, thanks to the sun that was slowly disappearing over the horizon. The lanterns illuminated the area with a warm, yellow light. He felt relaxed and completely at ease, sitting here with (Y/N), with a cup of tea in his hands. He shook his head as she asked if he ever was there before...

No, this is the first time. I didn't know you lived out here... He said with a calmer voice, taking another sip of his tea.

Yea. It can get pretty cold in the evening. That's why I brought these blankets. But wait, do you wanna change in something more comfortable, like a Kimono? Cus I will. I have some bigger ones that could fit you. She said as she was already about to stand up.

He was a bit surprised over her offer to give him a kimono, but as she already started to stand up, he quickly nodded and agreed. Sure, I'd appreciate that. He said with a relaxed smile, gently putting the tea down on the table.

He stood up as well and followed her in the house again. They changed and put their dirty uniforms in the bathroom, for washing tomorrow. They then walked out again with their kimonos.

A lot more comfortable... She said and sat down again. Do you like the Kimono?

He had to admit, it really was more comfortable than the uniforms. They sat back down on the terrace together and he nodded his head when she asked how he liked the kimono... Yeah, it is definitely more comfortable... though, it's a bit large. he said with a small smirk on his face and lifted his arms a bit, as if to show how loose and oversized it was on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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