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(Y/N) didn't expect him to ask her this just now. She looked at him, while their bodies were press up against each other.

Y-Yea... we can... cuddle... yea like that...

She said and put her arms around him. She like, held his head and lightly pressed it against her chest, while enjoying the peaceful moment. She closed her eyes and took some deep breaths...

He thought to himself...

Not complaining... He leaned his head on her chest and closed his eyes as well, enjoying the moment even more. He did realise that this was actually extremely comfortable and relaxing.

Her heartbeat was extremely fast at the beginning but is now going slowly back to normal, which was a good sign that she really did... like this.

He pulled her closer to him, both of his arms now around her, she had his full attention now.

As he had pulled her closer to him again she looked down on him and smiled. She then put both her hands on his cheeks and started kissing all over his face. Starting with his nose, continuing with his forehead and finally kissing his cheeks and mouth.

He was starting to get a bit flustered but still tried to keep his cool.

After she was finished kissing his whole face, Sanemi put his fingers through her hair and looked up at her.

Are you really sure you wanna only cuddle? He asked as a slightly flirtatious tease...

A few seconds of silence.

Yes... She said and put her arms around him again, also slightly having her chest against his throat area.

He was a bit surprised by her response... She was actually ok with just doing this...?

He could not help it, he blushed a bit. He put his hands on her thigh, not thinking much about it, he wanted to be a bit flirty himself.

You don't know, but what you're doing right now... do you? It's actually really attractive, you know?

What do you mean? She said and lightly chuckled as she looked down on him. She was playing dumb and he knew that, but he still decided to explain it to her...

Well, you keep putting your arms around me... touching me... it's starting to feel... REALLY INTIMATE, you see...?

He then paused for a solid moment before continuing.

You also know that this really turns me on, don't you?..

Yea... She said and chuckled.

I know sweetheart... I can literally feel it... She said and slightly rubbed herself against his lap.

He did not know how to react to that last... movement... he had to admit that that did feel really good....

You know how it's really annoying when... you don't say what you really want?...

He said trying to stay calm... but he was getting a bit irritated and it was hard to hold himself back from turning the tables and pin her against the bath-edge thing(Idk).

So... sweetheart just tell me... what you really want to do... right now...

Oh... you know... just cuddle with my bestie... She said and looked down on him with a really big blush. After she again mentioned him just being her friend, he got really pissed. He now realised that she did this to teas him and piss him off...

Your... best friend?... Right... bestie... He said with a sarcastic tone... he clearly was irritated now, even more so because she called him "bestie" again.

So you're telling me that... you're just going to sit on some guy's lap... rub yourself against his dick... and just pretend you like him as a friend? He said a bit amused but still really frustrated.

Oh he could sense that she has a massive crush on him and he knew she was just trying to piss him off... he liked this attention though... she is quite hot after all...

Hmm... good point... She said and smiled down on him.

You know... it's really cute how you still think I'm just teasing...

Cute? he said in a really high tone.

Not just teasing? He said and raised his eyebrow and smiled a little bit. He didn't know what to make of that.... Was she telling him that she is actually in love with him or just playing with him?

Is that a confession or just you trying to tease me again? He said curiously, but still not really expecting the truth from her.

Well... what do you think...?

𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 sᴀɴᴇᴍɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now