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(Warning: slight lemon)

Sanemi felt anger, but as he looked at her this weird feeling in his chest kinda disappeared... he took a deep breath as he tried to calm down.

Ok, I get it. You don't wanna tell me... but... he said and suddenly came dangerously close to (Y/N). So close that he was right next to her face. He put one arm of her should and pulled her closer to him.

He moved his mouth to her ear and whispered...

I don't think I'll be able to sleep properly if you don't tell me, that little secret... dear (Y/N)...

(Y/N)'s body heat up like crazy as she literally felt his words in her ears. She was now even more speechless, about Sanemi talking to her this way... It was kind of... seductive... the way he talked... Since when was this dork able to be a flirt...

Uhm... well... maybe I should tell you then huh? I don't wanna ruin your sleep rhythm...

Oh no, you don't wanna do that... so you better tell me... He said calmly but with a flirty undertone and a hint of a smile on his lips. He was getting dangerously close to her.

Pretty please?

Ok... Uhmmmmmmmmmmm...

She said and tried to think of something... anything... ANY KIND OF other excuse that he'll accept... she then decided to just be honest and tell him.

Go on... Sanemi said leaning in even more...

Before, when you were wanting to leave... I just... I just wanted to tell you not to... because... I kinda like your company...

She said and felt extremely embarrassed.

A few seconds passed, in where he didn't really react.


His voice sounded a bit different, more deep and calm. Though his heart beat got a bit faster and he felt a weird feeling inside of him... he was so close to her now but he didn't even notice it... he lost himself while looking at her.

You do?... like... my company? He said with a teasing tone.

Yea..... like... in a friend way. It's funny to teas you... and make fun of you... she said to teas him back...

She didn't know what he actually thought about her... though she knew him quite well. He wasn't the guy to would fake-flirt with his coworker... the possibility of him getting angry or disappointed, because she puts him in the friend zone, is a good way to find out, if he might have feelings for her...

He chuckled slightly and backed away from her, which she didn't expect.

A friend...? Is that all we are? His voice sounding just a little bit disappointed now. Just like (Y/N) hoped.

Unless... YOU wanted more... she said teasing him.

The way she said this caused Sanemi to go silent for a few seconds, not knowing what to say.

He looked at her carefully... was he hearing things right? Was she actually... interested in him?

(Y/N) had her eyes constantly looking at him for now... she then herself moved closer to him. She raised her hand and put it on his shoulder, it then moved up his neck to the back of his head. She now pulled him closer to her face and looked at him confidently. Her hand then moved forward to his cheek.

His mind, which was almost always sharp, completely blanked out and all those thoughts of self-control, keeping his mask of being strong, suddenly went away when he felt her hand touch his cheek, caressing it.

She was so close to him, that he could barely breathe normally anymore.

He slowly closed his eyes and moved his face a little bit closer to hers until their lips finally met.

The kiss was a bit aggressive, but (Y/N) didn't expect anything else from Sanemi...

They kissed for like 10 seconds until Sanemi suddenly broke the kiss. They both took deep breaths.

Already out of breath princess...? (Y/N) said in a teasing way, while she herself had to take deep breaths.

For sure, smart Ass. He said and suddenly grabbed her waist and pulled her on his lap. Pulling her closer to him, while he had his hands on her back and his face close to her neck looking up to her.

This was a little invasive... at first Sanemi wanted to ask for permission to do all that... but since (Y/N) decided to call him princess again, he didn't ask.

(Y/N) was now a little flushed and embarrassed... she was sitting on top of Sanemis lap, while the two of them were completely nude AND in a public hot spring.

The hot spring was empty though, so there wasn't anyone to see them.

He was looking up at her, his hands on her back, and the fact that they were both naked, while he was touching her... slightly turned him on...

He liked the way she was acting now... she looked really cute.

Sanemi laid the left side of his head against her chest, listening to her heartbeat. It was extremely fast...

Shhh... calm down... he whispered, as he started to caress her back, enjoying the moment.

(Y/N) then started to calm down a little. She rested her own head on top of Sanemis head and closed her eyes.

Mhm... she said trying to sound confident.

She also put her arms around him and started caressing his back.

Her hands on his back made his back tingle, just a bit but it felt really good anyway.

He kept on caressing her back, his hands feeling every curve of (Y/N) body was enough to make him start to sweat from the heat in here...

His breath was getting heavier the more he looked at (Y/N) like this. He wanted to continue touching her or go even further, but he also wanted to ask her an extremely important question...

Are you comfortable with all this?

(Hey, Idk why but Wattbad keeps on deleting the pictures that I put in my chapters. It's so annoying. Does someone know what I'm doing wrong?)

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