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(I watched the Demon slayer movie today. It was so good and there was so much Sanemi screentime😦🤍)

He let out a heavy sigh and didn't really react when the two approached him and walked closer. Sanemi then noticed for himself that he did start shaking a little because of his fatigue. It's been more than 24 hours since he's awake...

I handed it on my own. I was just a little injured, nothing too serious, I'm completely fine.

Ah.. ok... Tengen said as his gaze turned to (Y/N).

THATS GREAT TO HEAR! Rengoku said really loud.

Sanemi flinched lightly, because he still wasn't used to Rengoku talking so loud. Since he had hurt his ears in a mission, he wasn't hearing the best and that then made him sometimes speak louder.

Tengen then looked up to Sanemi with a grin.

So you two are a thing now or what? Tengen said teasingly as his eyes went up and down from Sanemi to (Y/N).

No-No, what? We aren't a thing. We literally just fought an upper Moon you, idiot.

He said with an irritated tone. The last thing he needed was for everyone to start teasing him about this, besides he'd never want to date her regardless.

Not a thing huh? Then I guess you wouldn't mind to let me hold her and get her to Shinobu for treatment, since you look like you're about to break down.

Tengen said teasingly, wanting him to admit that he liked holding her like that.

Sanemis facial expression was clearly annoyed, but he had no choice, if he were to continue holding her then he would simply collapse. It did still irritated him, because for some reason he did like holding her like that.

He's extremely tired and is still healing his wounds so the best option for the situation was to let the others take over...


Don't you dare. Sanemi said harshly.

No? Tengen said and grind down on Sanemi.

The way Tengen looked at him was annoying enough to make Sanemi look like he was about to explode.

You heard what I said, don't even think about touching her. I'm taking her to Shinobu myself, so fuck off.

In the next moment Sanemi walked past the two, directed to Shinobus mansion.

Sanemi walked so quickly that Tengen couldn't even think of a stupid comment to scream after him.

He didn't look back once, all his attention was focused on making sure that (Y/N) is in good hands. Luckily for him Shinobu's house wasn't even far, so he got there quite quickly.

He entered, quickly told Shinobu everything and then quickly walk out again.

H-Hey Sanemi wait!! Shinobu yelled.

His eyes widened slightly upon hearing her call him and he stopped for a few seconds to look back at her.

What is it?

Are you again trying to avoid my treatment, go home and try to heal yourself?! Shinobu said and seemed furious with him.

Sanemi rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh, he was already too tired to deal with this.

I'm fine, I can handle this myself, the injuries aren't even that deep. And I was already at a doctor... so...

Sanemi wasn't gonna argue for longer now, because the only thing he could think about right now was his bed.

He then just walked out.

H-Hey... arg... fine... Shinobu said, after he had already left.

He didn't want to be bothered for the rest of the day. After the battle his only priority was to go home and get some rest.

He continued walking, not saying a single word and completely zoning everything out. He's been through way too many weird and also new emotions today, for him to be able to care about anything else beside his bed.

So Sanemi went home and directed went flying in his bed.

‧₊˚at the butterfly mansion˚₊‧

Shinobus was treating (Y/N) wounds properly one more time. She couldn't believe what she was seeing when she looked at the sloppily done stitches by this other doctor. (Y/N) had also ripped them open by walking. It took Shinobu about 3 hours, to do it properly.

Some time later at about 10 pm (Y/N) finally woke up again. It took her some time to remember what had happened. She quickly realised where she was and soon after remembered the embarrassing situation with Sanemi.

She quickly laid back in bed and tried to go to sleep again.

Ah you're awake. Shinobu said as she entered the room.

Hi Shinobu... how're you doing? (Y/N) asked Shinobu and leaned up a little.

You're really the one asking me that? You're the one with a hole in her leg. Well... not a hole. Just a BIG wound. I'm fine, but what about you? Shinobu asked and had her usual, sweet smile on. Even though (Y/N) sometimes wasn't sure if it was even a real smile.

(Y/N) then told her everything about the mission and how it went with Sanemi.

Ah, so you two did have many arguments again? Shinobu asked (Y/N), as she was sitting on the edge of the bed.

Yeah of course. Like always. Why? Don't tell me you're surprised. (Y/N) asked.

Well because he did seem really worried about you yesterday. Although he fled as soon as he handed you over to me. He told me very quickly and exactly where you were hurt and all... Shinobu said and shrugged her shoulders.

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