ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ɪᴛ's ɴᴏᴛ ᴘᴏɪsᴏɴᴇᴅ

726 24 27

Thanks... I guess. What are you smiling about?

Nothing. he said as he stopped smiling.

Are you allowed to move your arms? he asked her and turned his head to the side.

I shouldn't. Means I can't even eat on my own... She said and sighed a few times. A few seconds later her stomach made a really loud noise.

shit, that's embarrassing...

(Y/N) thought to herself. Her face turned red, because her stomach had made such a loud noice.

He laughed at the sound of her stomach growling.

Sooo... did you not get any breakfast yet?

No. she said and rolled her eyes. She seemed annoyed, because he had laughed. The fuck you laughing about? Never heard a stomach growl?

He chuckled lightly despite her being annoyed.

Of course I've heard a stomach growl... but not this loud, usually it's way more subtle, this was just ridiculous. he said to teas her.

(Y/N) eyes started to twitch as he said this.
She was getting more and more annoyed and embarrassed.

You're lucky I can't move my arms right now... otherwise you would already be rammed in this wall...

He suddenly stopped laughing, but now he was slightly blushing from her reactions. He had to keep a straight face so that she wouldn't know...

You're right... I'm lucky.. for now...

That last part was in a more teasing tone than he meant for it to be...

(Y/N) was about to explode and scream at him, but Sanemi suddenly stood up.

Wait here, I'll go ask Aoi if she has something to eat for you. he said and turned away.

Sure... I'll wait... it's not like I can go anywhere. she said completely annoyed.

Be thankful I'm even bringing you food. he said cold and left.

This kinda hit her.

Was he actually mad? Nah...

she thought to herself.

After some minutes he came back with a plate that he was holding with one hand while closing the door with the other. He placed the plate on (Y/N) lap and she looked what he brought her.

There was a soup and some bapao's. Her eyes were shining at the food as her mouth was already drooling.

Aoi said this was best for you right now... he said as he again sat down and supported his head with his hand.

Thanks... I hope it's not poisoned. she said and smiled.

He could feel his heartbeat increasing as he saw her smile, but he had to act cool about it so he just quickly smiled back but then looked to the side. He wasn't gonna let her see how she was affecting him.

I'm sure it is. he said sarcastic.

In the next few moments (Y/N) looked down at the food and then up to Sanemi again.

What? he said and didn't get why she wasn't eating yet. He then noticed why. O-Oh! Right you can't... Sanemi said and now tried to figure out a solution, till he had an idea.

I mean... if you're ok with it... I could feed you? he said and blushed lightly.

Yeah that would be great. she said and looked like she was ready.

He couldn't believe this was happening right now. His heart started to hammer rapidly right now.

He moved a little closer to her and picked up the spoon. He dipped it in the soup and then moved it up to her face.

Okay, open wide... he said with that teasing tone again, trying to act tough, but his voice was still soft and he was also blushing slightly.

She did as he told her and quickly ate the food.

Hmmm... finally... I haven't eaten since... yesterday. she said.

He chuckled lightly at her comment.

Like 10 minutes later her plate was completely empty.

You got something there idiot. he said and wiped some crumbs off her mouth. (no idea how to get crumbs on your mouth by eating soup)

Oh.. thanks. she said while he wiped her face.

As she talked, her mouth had gotten slightly open and it accidentally touched Sanemis fingers. Sanemi suddenly felt her wet mouth on his fingers. They both froze and just stared at each other. (Y/N) could feel her heart sink of embarrassment.

Well... she said after like 10 seconds, to stop the awkward silence. But Sanemi quickly stood up, but in a really nervous way.

U-Uhm ok... yea I think... I think I should go now... It was... It was nice... he stuttered nervous and walked away from her bed and nearly dripped over another bed. I really h-have to go back to training... aaand... yea... bye. he said and tried to make this less awkward, before walking out.

(Y/N) could still feel her heart race as she watched him walk out. She felt kinda bad, because he just walked out and didn't stay longer... She looked in front of her and saw that there were still some good looking bapaos...

Shit... now that he's gone... who's gonna help me eat...

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