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(Thank yall so much for 3k reads😭 I can't believe it❤️)

He started laughing in between, but he then noticed the footsteps... so someone was coming towards them...

He took her hand off his mouth... and placed it somewhere else...

(Y/N) gave him an irritated look as he just took her hand off. She then quickly got off his lap and sat next to him.

He had to control himself from doing something dumb, he couldn't believe she didn't want to continue what they were doing... but then... someone was coming... so he had no other choice but to let her get off his lap for now. He was not going to give in to his emotions... at least not now.. that was for sure. Who's coming? he whispered.

I don't fucking know... She said and sounded stressed.

He frowned his eyebrows as he heard her swearing, then he listened closely to the footsteps... the person that was coming seemed to be alone..

Wait... He took a quick glance where the person was coming from... it was Iguro. He recognized that idiot anywhere... even if he was a few feet away. It's Obanai...

(Y/N) recognition Iguro and then quickly swam away from Sanemi. She took a look back at him and held one finger in front of her mouth.

He had to hide his expression... he was quite irritated that she just swam away like that... but it was for the better.

He then looked at Iguro and saw that the guy was looking at him with a blank expression... as expected.

What do you want? Sanemi said in an annoyed tone and raised one eyebrow at him.

Iguro glanced over to (Y/N) for a second, but then quickly looked back at Sanemi. Just taking a bath... Iguro said and entered the water. (Y/N) was quite far away but still able to hear their conversation.

He raised his eyebrow once again... that guy... the guy who never took off his mask... was taking a bath? Sanemi was slightly surprised. Hmmm... You? Taking a bath? He chuckled a bit making fun of his friend.

You've got to be hiding something... I know you don't take bathes.

(Y/N) heard that and couldn't hold back a small laugh.

Haha, very funny... it's not like I'm gonna take off my mask, anyway.

Soon later (Y/N) stepped out of the bath and put on a towel. She gave Sanemi a quick smile, before turning to the changing rooms and walking out of the hot spring.

He saw her leaving and looked after her... watching her leave made him wanna throw Igoru out of the bath....

Yeah right... Just go drown yourself... and don't come back up for me. Sanemi said in a sarcastic tone, not being able to take his eyes off (Y/N) till she was gone.

Iguro followed his gaze and became suspicious. Did I... interrupt you two with anything...?

Sanemi then snapped out of it and turned his head back to Iguro, he had to act natural... Interrupt? No... not at all... We were just... bonding... that's all.... He lied to him.

Mhm sure... Igoru said sounding like he was holding back a laughter.

He didn't expect a reaction like that... so the guy wasn't mad, but he just sounded amused... It's the truth, ugh... you know what, I'm leaving. You're probably waiting for Kanroji... Sanemi said giving Obanai a smirk, as he saw that he slightly blushed.

Sanemi stood up and stepped out of the hot spring. Before he put on a towel he noticed... that he had a boner... Sanemi went completely red and played it off by not facing in Obanais directly anymore...

Alright. Obanai said before Sanemi walked away. He was glad to have some peace of his own now and Sanemi was glad that his friend didn't pay much attention to him at the end of their conversation...

Sanemi walked to the changing rooms, hoping to find (Y/N) somewhere. But it seemed like she had was already gone home...

Great... now I can handle this myself... he thought looking down on himself. Thought... I don't think I want this yet anyway... he thought.

While changing he thought about everything... They actually made out... HE made out with someone...

He was quite surprised at himself... but he couldn't help but smile as he thought about the moment... he wanted to feel her again.

She was... kinda funny. Always making good jokes and she had not even been uncomfortable with him throwing her on his lap...

Damn... that really... was something...

(Y/N) had already gone home, by the time Sanemi was leaving the hot spring.

She put on her sleep kimono and laid down in bed... her thoughts drifting around... thinking of what happened between her and Sanemi, the last 5 days... She smiled a little as she looked up to the ceiling. She felt like a 12 year old again, who just fell in love with her classmate...

Being in love with someone can be so beautiful... but it can also hurt like hell...

𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 sᴀɴᴇᴍɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now